Wednesday 31 December 2008

In addition

Get fit.
Climb more.
Stop eating so many meal deals.
Swap coke for tea.
Do my own housework.
New hobby. - It's been a while since I got a new one of those.

Tonight is not going to be all that fun really.

Monday 29 December 2008

New years and new dresses.

My room is soooo chilly, i've been sat in here all day (again) and i've had to put on 2 jumpers and my big wooly socks.

Today has not been as productive as it could have been. I meant to do alot more revision than I eventually got round to. I went a bit OCD on my room again, all my books and papers and school stuff is all sorted out and cleaned the weird mould off my window and put all my make up in my new make up boxy thingy. I even got all the feathers off the carpet. It took forever. I swear those slippers have an entire duck'sworth of feathers in them.

New years is only 2 days away now. Im not looking forward to Wednesday really. I dont really want to stay at home on my own on new years eve. Everyone is busy. I need to think of a new years resolution that i'll actually stick to. Something that means something, not just "give up chocolate" cos thats totally unrealistic, i love it far too much.

Get to know someone better that I have hardly spoken to since I met them. Trust me, thats a good one, you get to know some amazing people doing that.
Really think about what matters more, talking to people on msn, or doing just that bit more work.
Stop worrying about the little things.
Spend more time with Rach and Viki. We havent had a girly sleepover in ages.
Wear the stuff in my wardrobe that i bought and have never worn.
Save money - stop spending every penny I have in starbucks.
Learn something new about the people I think I know inside out.

I reckon they can be done. We'll see.

Saturday 27 December 2008

The odd gap

Between new years day and boxing day. I'm the same as Izzy, I never know what day it is in the weird gap. Odd mental block.

Sales shopping was madness, herds of people all rushing from shop to shop buying things they dont really want for only slightly less than they would have paid for it last week when they definatly didnt want it anyway. It's crazy! And all these awkward looking blokes hanging around the ladies clothing shops with pushchairs waiting about for thier wives/daughters/sisters to finish elbowing 400 other salemad women to get a bargain. Aaaaaah.

Anyway, after escaping the sales, Beej and I went and had a sandwich and some fanta down in the cloisters of the cathedral. Yeh. It was freezing. But it was quiet and I love it down there. We had to go warm up again at the point at which I couldnt do the scissor thingy with my hands and they'd gone a weird a colour. Beej couldnt do the bass thing. Either way we needed hot chocolates.

Cookies and Ice cream? Ok.

It's been a very university challenge themed night in the Mills household, we watched the history, the special comic relief episode, and now the film about the boy who gets onto the show and then they lose then they have lots of fights and stuff. I havent seen the end, i'm sure it all turns out ok in the end.

So anywho, I should be off, i'm sliiiiightly worried about this politics exam that I know nothing about so I'm going to do some more revision. At 11pm. Hmmm. Yeh, maybe i'll just go to bed or something, revison tomorrow...

Wednesday 24 December 2008

Hello Christmas :)

It's christmas eve! How exciting. I've watched lots of rubbish telly, put up decorations everywhere, stickytaped myself to some wrapping paper, snaffled roses chocolates and rattled prezzys and put them back.

It's been a bit extra busy in my house but it's ok!

I've nearly done all my christmas homework, have to revise alot more politics and a bit more bio for the exams in January. The maths took forever, festive? I think not.

So! Christmas. I've been to 3 carol services now. The last one was at the cathedral and was SO sweet, full of little teenies which i sat and pulled silly faces at until they giggled. And I got a bell to ring when they sang jingle bells. The little nativity scene in the cathedral is rubbish though! A little shed outside with these faceless modrock figures covered in straw. You'd think what with Jesus being born and everything they'd put a bit more effort in.

Sitting in the cathedral gardens was lovely though, it was sunny and quiet. Far away from the madness of christmas shopping in the centre. So many people!! It's crazy, why dont these people get thier shopping done sooner? Why wait till the 23rd?!

Anyway, i've had a megasuperduper busy day, and i'm really tired. Plus, I may scare Santa if i'm still sat down here when he pops in. So. Off to bed. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have a lovely day.

Sunday 21 December 2008

Oliver Twist

I'm watching the Roman Polanski version, I miss the singing but it's a pretty good one.

The christmas ball last night was lovely! I was quite scared at first cos I only knew about 3 people. But once all the gospel'ers turned up and we had a dance, I had a right laugh :) And I got to wear a posh dress and heels. Which is quite scary for me, I much prefer my jeans and big cardis.

Friday went well! Last day of term, big carol mass thingy in the sports hall. All packed in. Windband were joyous as always...

Shoppingshoppingshopping then wagamamas with everyone for Rachel's birthday lunch. It was really nice, I hadnt been there before.

Gospelling after! Which was really good, we were down by house of frazer singing away. We all met at NCBC first for mince pies and sweeties and a bit of a social. Walking down to the office afterwards was soooo cold though, and I was losing my voice by then so when I got back to Rachel's I was glad we were having a relaxing night in by the fire :)

I just ordered those boots. I love getting new shoes ^^

I hope something interesting is happening tomorrow...

Thursday 18 December 2008


Profile views. Cool :)

I had a sick day today. Girly man flu. Which wasnt that great to be honest cos I needed to get things done today before christmas and I wont be able to get hold of everyone I need to see tomorrow. Grrrr.

Still, got up at 10. Went back to bed at 10.04. Got up at 11.12. Called Beej. Croaked down the phone. Went back to bed. Got up I dont know when and made one pot :) I <3 one pot.
Then it was knitting, jeremy kyle (compulsory day off telly) and working, not that I got alot done.

The thing that most annoyed me about my sick day was the lack of Rachel on her birthday!!! I didnt get to see her. I'll see her tomorrow whether i'm better or not. Im determined. Partypartyparty. And gospelling outside Wagamamas at 4ish :D go see go see! It's going to be a fun day me thinks.

I am avoiding flute-ing in band at the whole school carol service, partly cos i HATE that band and all the pieces they're playing, and partly because i sound like a bagpipe when i breathe too deeply at the moment. Lovely! Dont come to close...

So I was doing some thinking in the bath. While sipping some rather yummy tea flatteringly labelled "be beautiful" from my good friend Rachel. Cold tap dripping on one foot and the script album playing from the pod. And I tried playing the 5 word game that me and Beej sometimes play. Describe yourself in 5 words. Ok, easy enough... Beej's was "non-slip carpet. Practical but boring." We counted non-slip as 1 due to the hyphon. Rachel's was something like "volume control, optional but preffered" I dont think I can remember oscar and viki's. I was trying to think of one for me, I cant remember the first one Beej told me. So I made up some of my own. "always seems to be ill", "spends too long in baths" and "likes coffee, but prefers tea."

Mum has gone off to the staff christmas do at one of the teacher's houses. She's been gone for hours. She'll repeat every conversation they had when she gets home, haha, she always does that.

Right, I had best be off, I have to sort out stuff to take to Rachel's tomorrow, and then get all my wet washing out of the washing machine and do something with it so it wont be wet tomorrow. Else I shall have no clothes to wear, which would be freezing for me and shocking for everyone else.

I hope everyone has had a lovely Thursday.

Wednesday 17 December 2008

What do we think of these ones?

I'd get them in chocolate brown not tan, but they're very similar and I cant find a piccy of the chocolate ones. £90. They're so comfyyyyyy. Yes, No, Yes, No?

These ones are £130 but they're Carvelas, Kurt Geiger makes such pretty boots! Oh decisions.

Busy Busy Busy

Oh myyyyy. Today has been very busy indeed. Double bio, more revision, test in 3/4weeks? As is the politics exam. I cant say i'm ready for either of them.

I just found out today I havent even started one of my pe assignments which is due for friday. Possibly missed the lesson it got started and then nobody bothered to tell me. Either way, that needs doing.

Mountain of C1HW7 to do. If any of you do maths just have a flick at A7. It's a bitch.

I think i'm sorted for singers for tomorrow. Despite totally forgetting to go see mrs. Hammersly which i'm really annoyed at myself for. Either way, I think I have 10. If not. I'm roping people in against thier will. Carols are compulsory christmas components. (Check out my illiteration eh?)

Gospel was hilarious. Chair game is insane. Sister Act is fab. Im so sad that was the last one till Jan14th, what will I do with my wednesdays! Also, Luke's last one :( Anandis last one :( Josie's last one :( so many people leaving!!

Gah. I have ALOT of stuff to get done before tomorrow so I must be off.

Monday 15 December 2008

Further blog neglect

Ahh! 3 whole days. Blog abuse.

Update! My birthday was amaaaazing :) Best birthday ever. Birthday breakfast with my besties, lie in, warm fire, amazing presents, apple sourzzzz. I had a really nice night.

Sunday, went to Reading to go fetch my dear sister. Her room is gross! Sudents are so cool...

Reading is a long way away. Mum has decided that after I put my new gospel cd on for the whole journey, she doesnt like it so much. Odd that. I love it :)

Today was a bit rank, what with school and stuff. Lessons, eurgh! Double maths was spectacularly rubbish, i dont get logarithms, and the stuff we were doing in core had me stumped. Politics was amazing though, it made up for it. Debate in topic "Santa Exists." It upset my inner 6yr old to argue against, but when it came to the whips, the ayes to the right had my headcount so I made up for my Santa bashing. I had a compelling scientific arguement though. The right honourable lady does believe in the motion.

Simon, Guy and Siobhan. You're killing the christmas spirit.

I've just listened to the whole chicago soundtrack while doing stupid maths homework and nattering to Beej. I might go to bed now though. Tiiiiiired.


Friday 12 December 2008

Turning 17 at Ski's house

No better place for it if you ask me.

Currently absorbing the sitar genius of the Sgt. Pepper album while sipping some very well made coffee. Pontificating about the general musings of life and enjoying the laid back atmosphere.

I have a stack of presents next to me right now :) :) :) im not allowed to touch them till the stroke of saturday. Im SO excited now.

I'm going to go join in again, just thought i'd update.

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Ami. See you mid afternoon. Dont go looking for your present! I've hidden it in my t-shirt drawer.

Thursday 11 December 2008

Frankie and Bennys is wow.

I am so full right now im actually peering over my own stomach to see the screen. Thank goodness I had PE today else i'd be feeling very guilty right now. I had a huge yummy burger (that was actually 2 burgers in one bun) and an east coast sundae which was ice cream with toffee and marshmallows and maltesers and more ice cream.

And 2 cocktails, a woo woo (yum, recommended) and a long island ice tea (more sophis, quite sour) both were good. Amy didnt like the ice tea so she swiped the last mouthful of my woo woo.

I dont think i've ever cringed more at the conversation between dad, liz, amy and myself. At one point there was mention of spooning... we had to explain to liz what it means. Awkwaaaaaard.

I have awesome slippers though, they're called duvet ducks and they are super warm. My toes are in heaven. And I got a nice cashmere jumper. Good choice Da.

Tomorrow is PARTY DAY *major excitement* so to be honest I should be getting an early night, but I have a wee bit of maths to do, so I shall be off, and I might fill in the rest of the conversation from tonight later. Also, exciting news on the driving lessons front. But all shall be revealed when I have more time. Only 1 more day till my birthday, roll on Saturday :)

Tuesday 9 December 2008

I honestly dont like these much at any other time of year.

They're too stickysweet.

Coincidence much?

One of the formulas we used in stats today was SXY= blah blah blah


Also, banks are silly places but mine gives people mince pies.
Mr. Little anicdotes have me giggling all the way through politics.
I have a biology mock tomorrow.
I havent done my politics/pe/maths homework.
Spinach gets caught in braces like a bitch.
Clare's keyboard is no match for a real piano.
Friday. Hm.
If you spell "spot" wrong in the url it takes you to some crazy bible alternaive site according to Ciara.
Cups/Canteen Pong is fun.
Jonnie can knit.
My lessons keep getting cancelled.
It's 16 days till christmas.
Rachel wore orange today.
I'm cold.

There. Now you're in the know.

Monday 8 December 2008

S x C Maths.

A list of statements made during a conversation about...
naked maths.

expanding my brackets.
none of this algeporn
factorising the algebra
hornal distribution
nerd :)
Spearman's Wank.
a^2 + b^2 = c^2
what's a pyshagorus?
i pronounced that as PSI
Wank correlation.
bisexual expansion
maths is sexy.
S times C maths.
only super nerds get a bit flustered by maths right?
i'd like to get him on his x axis...
c'mon, hop it
ok ok :)
he'd find the area between your curves alright
you leave my quadratics alone :)
point of interSEXion?
that's this month's quota filled.

Im shocked by my input into that. I really am.

Cell Fractionation

If you cant remember biology. Do this to it.

if you want to take apart
your microscopic cell
keep it isotonic
to help your organelle
make it pretty chilly
so your enzymes go to sleep
then buffer it a little bit
so your pH you keep

Haha. Its rubbish but it works.

Sunday 7 December 2008

Biology. Ipod. Nearly Monday.

On page 34 of the 119 pages that I need to revise before this biology mock. Technically, the further forward I go the more I know because we covered it only recently, which makes it less daunting. But it's scary all the same.

I havent done my PE assignment. I'm going to be in trouble tomorrow morning.

I'm distracting myself nattering to Rachel about christmas carols, which is far preferable to the effect of pH on enzyme action. Far preferable to alot of things to be honest.

My ipod is keeping me sane, I have it on shuffle, which is amusing when the song choice fits in with something thats currently happening. Like. Beej comes online and the album "Save each other the whales are doing fine" starts to play, or, I go get a cuppa and Frank Turner - "A decent cup of tea" plays. You get the jist.
I havent found a song that fits into my homework yet. There'll be one if I keep at it long enough.

It's too late for me to be revising!

Hello christmas :)

I have had such a festive day! It's been lovely. Ignoring the biology bit, Ami and I went to Bungay christmas street fair and bought lots of chritmassy things and had spicy apple hot stuff and candyfloss and got cold.

We went in on the bikes, this didnt bother me but after Ami spent an age pumping up, and then breaking, her bike, she went at -2miles an hour the whole way puffing and panting and saying she was going to be sick if we went any faster. I think complusory PE should be a sixth form requirement.

Im now watching christmassy films. It's Home Alone right now but after that it's Miracle on 34th Street. I love christmas telly. I made some yummy spiced apple punch too which is really sweet.

I have to get back to some homework for tomorrow though, only 2weeks of school left. 6 days till my birthday. *excited!* Cant wait till Skis.

Saturday 6 December 2008

My cat watches more telly than I do.

Apart from never mind the buzzcocks, she doesnt seem to like that.

So today i was supposed to go into the city and see Jonnie playing and go with Beej to Kinkis, and do some christmas shopping, and some birthday shopping. But of course, I felt rubbish. Mum therefore went into town without me then text me and was like "found the perfect boots if you're coming in." which, seeing as i was in bed, sleeping, i wasnt.


So, after a rubbish lie in, I got up, went an moaned at Ami that I felt rubbish, had a cuppa, and got down to some hardcore biology revision in my freeeeeezing cold room. I got a bit done though. Hope I know enough for the mock next week!

While I was trying to get my music library back today I accidently put on a song on that I havent listened to for ages but I used to love it. Lee Ann Womack - I hope you dance.
My favourite lyrics, "May you never take one single breath for granted, God forbid love ever leave you empty handed" and "Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance. I hope you dance." Such sweet lyrics, i'm glad i found it again.

Oh my goodness, i'm watching that thing on telly about the birth of musical family acts. The Osmonds are on... criiiinge.

Me and my cat dissaprove.

Friday 5 December 2008


This is me right now. Shattered.

Night night x


Its been such a strange night for me. Fridays was good, my solo was awful! (no matter what Jonnie tells you) and I dunnooo, I just dont think I was thinking about all the right things tonight.

Another long week methinks.

Im off to catch up on sleep. In a much better mood than I was about half an hour ago. Town tomorrow with Beej, I think?

Thursday 4 December 2008

NDHS Christmas Concert

Oh my. We really did excel ourselves this year musicians :) I had a very fun night to be honest, most of the performances were really good, and if they werent they made up for it by being hilarious anyway. I include choir in that. Choy choy choy!

Note - It appears to be too much for some of the choir to clap and sing at the same time. The gospel lover in me frowns at such lack of skill.

Also, Stoppard's choice of outfit was fantastic. As me and Sarah discussed amidst fits of giggles. Then Sarah decied she had to pee right before we got on stage, which hindered her high notes so much she had a coughing fit and had to duck behind and choke for a little while.

Ami and Thom were pulling faces at me. It made me laugh. I cant laugh and sing simultaneously.

Jonnieeeeee helped me with my solo bit for gospel tomorrow night! Lovely boy. He's also a good teacher. My note. Your note. Easy peasy...

I promised myself an early night tonight, seeing as it's now 23.15 I have already failed. I shall update on the goings on of gospel tomorrow night. Probably at a similar time of day. Grrr.

Tonight was fab :)

Wednesday 3 December 2008

What did I expect? A holiday?

6th form is so HARD!

I know I know, already posted daft blog tonight but i've just finished revising a ridiculous amount of biology for the immunology test tomorrow, set today P2. Not pleased. And I know that come tomorrow I will have forgotten it all. Meg has just asked me about homework that up till that second I had thought I had done when I havent. I've got mocks in a week and I just know when I next see Mr. Sharpe he'll have something to say about the unfinished maths I handed him on Monday.

Not to mention my national assignment is due friday and after I successfully wiped my laptop of every file I have ever used, I managed to misplace quite alot of it. Along with everything else.

Please dont let there be piles of work tomorrow! I have a sinking feeling Mr. Little is planning to set an essay on pressure groups tomorrow and I wont have any time to do it this weekend. Tomorrow night is christmas concert, so thats that night gone, friday night is fridays, saturday i'm out, sunday im in but i have to revise for the biology mock. I wonder if I have any frees tomorrow to practice...I do. 1st period. Ok. And rehersals P4/5. Sorted.

Im so disorganised all of a sudden, I was ontop of everything by the end of last week. I also need to sort out TCT and all of my christmas shopping malarky. I've kinda half finished my besties presents. Need to get Ami/Maz/Clarence/Da something... I'll think about that some other time.

Im off. Too tired for all this stress.

Blog neglect?

I was so busy last night, there was simply no time for blogging!

Technically I should be doing things right now but I thought i'd catch up on here first. Get the creative juices flowing and all that.

I'll start with my traumatic pigeon experience.

So there I am, on a soup hunt with £1.87 to my name and only one mitten on. Pottering down one of the little side streets to one of my favourite delis I look up to see a pigeon flying through the street, weaving in and out of the christmas lights. He sees his friends so he decided to flap on over and say hello. Anyway, you know how they put those barbs ontop of shops and on ledges and things to stop pigeons landing on them? To my HORROR my poor pigeon flapped his little way into these barbs and to the best of my knowledge impaled his little feathery body on the barbs! If this didnt have me in enough of a moral dilemma, his pigeon friend then stood on him, while he was jammed into the metal spikes and did a little pigeon jig ontop of him, further shoving him into them. Needless to say. I was very upset.

So, distraught at the plight of my feathered friend, i checked today's soup flavour (mushroom, ew) and scurried down to the boy's school to find Beej. I actually saw winter veg soup in bridewells as i passed so i popped in and bought some to calm myself. Beej took a sip not knowing what it was and said it was like "salty gravy coffee" which is a synonym for soup that i had not previously heard.

I went into ultrasonic a bit describing my ordeal and that of the pigeon to Beej, he laughed at me but we went back to the point of disaster regardless. Thankfully. My pigeon had got free. And was nowhere to be seen. I can only hope he's ok. And back with his pigeon family for christmas. I have since written a letter to Norwich city council expressing the dangers of barbing in narrow streets and the possibility for distress of the public should such an incident occur again.

Then we went shopping. Of course. We found Rach the most perfect little present evereverever which mememe spotted :) And we went and saw the ice rink and i walked up and down the forum steps alot which i like doing when there's nobody on them. Then, on my way to gospel there were some amazing carollers outside phillip brownes at the bottom of st. Giles. One of them being Miss. Furkettle! (Any notredamers remember that nice cover teacher who had blonde hair and was a little chubby?) Then I went off to gospel and Beej continued his shopping spree.

Gospel was as fun as ever, possibly more so if not a little nerve wracking. I have a solo bit and a duet bit with the lovely Rachel for the Friday's gig on....Friday. I. Am. Terrified.

So, immunology test tomorrow, piano practice to do (im getting better) and i have to learn my part!!

I hope this was an adequate update. More tomorrow!

Monday 1 December 2008

Long day. Good day.

Ignoring the depressingly bad maths lesson and the boring pe lesson, today has been rather spiffing methinks.
Lunch with JonnieVikiRachel wandering round Norwich's little backstreets. Then met sicky Beej and ate torte, then, met godparents in town and they liked Beej, so they gave him a lift home and we had a giggle at Francesco the satnav.

"Why thankyou David"

I'm still yet to upload some pictures, I will get round to it soon!
I have a craving for a chocolate orange and some blue flavour slushie.
Vertical pasta will have to do.

Oh my i'm tiiiired.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Watch this space

Pictures of my chocolate masterpiece to follow.

Viki, Ski, Beej and Rach - You know of what I speak :)

Saturday 29 November 2008

Hors de Prix and Quality streets.

It's been a slow weekend as far as blogs go for me, I think by this time last Saturday i'd already posted 3? I've been super-duper busy today though! Was up really late last night sorting out last night's blog (turns out only being able to upload 5 photos at a time is really tedious) plus they all go in odd places and you have to move them back up the page and there is no quick way of doing that! And I had to tidy my room, because the godparents (dun dun dun) are coming tonight/tomorrow morning. I think 3am still counts as tonight. And they'll have a nosy about, I dont want them to see how much of a teenager's bedroom mine can be.
I also wrote some postcards, but I never got round to finishing them so Ski, Viki, Rach and Beej, yours will be finished sometime in the very near future.
Then I forgot to put my washing in, so I still have no clean jeans.
Then I did some knitting (chills me out, it's totally cool.)
Then I went to bed, at 2am.

I was woken up this morning by some annoying boy outside going "neeeeeowwwww" past my window on his bike. But he got bored of that so I went back to sleep. Mum came in at 12, threw my post at me and left again. So I got up and had a shower. Oo! And syrupy apple chunks for breakfast! My braces are still not allowing for biting hard things, so I chopped it up all little and covered it in syrup. It was amazing.

Shopping in morrisons was dire. There were SO many people, it was pandamonium (it took me 3 goes to spell that). We spent far too much money and got loads of those very christmassy foody bits like cranberry jelly, brandy and posh smelly cheese selections. I managed to sneak in a few more essentials. Had to get ingredients for my chocolate tart thingy that I'm making tomorrow, i've made this one before for Ski's and it went well, despite not following the recipe. So i reckon i'm safe here.

Yeh, so after that I got ready for Georgia's and left, did some more knitting on the bus while the ditchingham folk on the back seat were snogging trés loudly and texting with the key tone on LOUD. It was SO annoying. And Winston was getting a bit grumpy. I should explain that Winston was this funny chap at the bus stop who was wearing a big camo rainmac, welly's with leg warmers over his beige waterproofs. Had a flat cap and cane and the most glorious handlebar moutache I have EVER seen in all my days. It was white as snow. So he had to be called Winston. When we got on the bus he asked for "Senior Norwich City" which came out as "Seenyar Noritch Citay" *giggle*

Georgia's was us watching lots of films and eating junk. I hadnt seen Wall-e before but it was so sweet! Hors de Prix i've already seen so I wasnt enthralled by that one. We had a massive indian after we'd already stuffed ourself with cadbury's finest, which has made me feel utterly enourmous.

Anywho, nobody but nobody is online tonight, so I have a good opportunity to finish those postcards, remember to put the washing in, do some work and finish my knitting. All while la-ing away to some gospel music. As always. Piano practice shall have to wait till tomorrow because Ami will complain through the wall that i'm shit.

Sorry for the wordy wordy longness. It's been a wordy wordy day.

Friday 28 November 2008

Photo frees Friday.

In contrast to yesterday, today was very chilled out. I had only one lesson, CU (Jonnie's talk was lovely) and spent the rest of my day wandering around with my camera. Snapping my city with all it's pretty lights and windy little streets. And I spent alot of time wandering around the cathedral today, but I didnt take many pictures inside cos you have to have a photo pass and they're £3.

Anyway, today was a good day. Heres a flashback.

See? Busy day. I love how most of these are so unposed, rubbish blurry photos. It's how I see my little world...
I'll do this again sometime.