Sunday 21 December 2008

Oliver Twist

I'm watching the Roman Polanski version, I miss the singing but it's a pretty good one.

The christmas ball last night was lovely! I was quite scared at first cos I only knew about 3 people. But once all the gospel'ers turned up and we had a dance, I had a right laugh :) And I got to wear a posh dress and heels. Which is quite scary for me, I much prefer my jeans and big cardis.

Friday went well! Last day of term, big carol mass thingy in the sports hall. All packed in. Windband were joyous as always...

Shoppingshoppingshopping then wagamamas with everyone for Rachel's birthday lunch. It was really nice, I hadnt been there before.

Gospelling after! Which was really good, we were down by house of frazer singing away. We all met at NCBC first for mince pies and sweeties and a bit of a social. Walking down to the office afterwards was soooo cold though, and I was losing my voice by then so when I got back to Rachel's I was glad we were having a relaxing night in by the fire :)

I just ordered those boots. I love getting new shoes ^^

I hope something interesting is happening tomorrow...

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