Wednesday 24 December 2008

Hello Christmas :)

It's christmas eve! How exciting. I've watched lots of rubbish telly, put up decorations everywhere, stickytaped myself to some wrapping paper, snaffled roses chocolates and rattled prezzys and put them back.

It's been a bit extra busy in my house but it's ok!

I've nearly done all my christmas homework, have to revise alot more politics and a bit more bio for the exams in January. The maths took forever, festive? I think not.

So! Christmas. I've been to 3 carol services now. The last one was at the cathedral and was SO sweet, full of little teenies which i sat and pulled silly faces at until they giggled. And I got a bell to ring when they sang jingle bells. The little nativity scene in the cathedral is rubbish though! A little shed outside with these faceless modrock figures covered in straw. You'd think what with Jesus being born and everything they'd put a bit more effort in.

Sitting in the cathedral gardens was lovely though, it was sunny and quiet. Far away from the madness of christmas shopping in the centre. So many people!! It's crazy, why dont these people get thier shopping done sooner? Why wait till the 23rd?!

Anyway, i've had a megasuperduper busy day, and i'm really tired. Plus, I may scare Santa if i'm still sat down here when he pops in. So. Off to bed. Merry Christmas everyone, hope you have a lovely day.

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