Tuesday 9 December 2008

Coincidence much?

One of the formulas we used in stats today was SXY= blah blah blah


Also, banks are silly places but mine gives people mince pies.
Mr. Little anicdotes have me giggling all the way through politics.
I have a biology mock tomorrow.
I havent done my politics/pe/maths homework.
Spinach gets caught in braces like a bitch.
Clare's keyboard is no match for a real piano.
Friday. Hm.
If you spell "spot" wrong in the url it takes you to some crazy bible alternaive site according to Ciara.
Cups/Canteen Pong is fun.
Jonnie can knit.
My lessons keep getting cancelled.
It's 16 days till christmas.
Rachel wore orange today.
I'm cold.

There. Now you're in the know.

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