Sunday 7 December 2008

Biology. Ipod. Nearly Monday.

On page 34 of the 119 pages that I need to revise before this biology mock. Technically, the further forward I go the more I know because we covered it only recently, which makes it less daunting. But it's scary all the same.

I havent done my PE assignment. I'm going to be in trouble tomorrow morning.

I'm distracting myself nattering to Rachel about christmas carols, which is far preferable to the effect of pH on enzyme action. Far preferable to alot of things to be honest.

My ipod is keeping me sane, I have it on shuffle, which is amusing when the song choice fits in with something thats currently happening. Like. Beej comes online and the album "Save each other the whales are doing fine" starts to play, or, I go get a cuppa and Frank Turner - "A decent cup of tea" plays. You get the jist.
I havent found a song that fits into my homework yet. There'll be one if I keep at it long enough.

It's too late for me to be revising!

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