Thursday 18 December 2008


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I had a sick day today. Girly man flu. Which wasnt that great to be honest cos I needed to get things done today before christmas and I wont be able to get hold of everyone I need to see tomorrow. Grrrr.

Still, got up at 10. Went back to bed at 10.04. Got up at 11.12. Called Beej. Croaked down the phone. Went back to bed. Got up I dont know when and made one pot :) I <3 one pot.
Then it was knitting, jeremy kyle (compulsory day off telly) and working, not that I got alot done.

The thing that most annoyed me about my sick day was the lack of Rachel on her birthday!!! I didnt get to see her. I'll see her tomorrow whether i'm better or not. Im determined. Partypartyparty. And gospelling outside Wagamamas at 4ish :D go see go see! It's going to be a fun day me thinks.

I am avoiding flute-ing in band at the whole school carol service, partly cos i HATE that band and all the pieces they're playing, and partly because i sound like a bagpipe when i breathe too deeply at the moment. Lovely! Dont come to close...

So I was doing some thinking in the bath. While sipping some rather yummy tea flatteringly labelled "be beautiful" from my good friend Rachel. Cold tap dripping on one foot and the script album playing from the pod. And I tried playing the 5 word game that me and Beej sometimes play. Describe yourself in 5 words. Ok, easy enough... Beej's was "non-slip carpet. Practical but boring." We counted non-slip as 1 due to the hyphon. Rachel's was something like "volume control, optional but preffered" I dont think I can remember oscar and viki's. I was trying to think of one for me, I cant remember the first one Beej told me. So I made up some of my own. "always seems to be ill", "spends too long in baths" and "likes coffee, but prefers tea."

Mum has gone off to the staff christmas do at one of the teacher's houses. She's been gone for hours. She'll repeat every conversation they had when she gets home, haha, she always does that.

Right, I had best be off, I have to sort out stuff to take to Rachel's tomorrow, and then get all my wet washing out of the washing machine and do something with it so it wont be wet tomorrow. Else I shall have no clothes to wear, which would be freezing for me and shocking for everyone else.

I hope everyone has had a lovely Thursday.

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