Thursday 11 December 2008

Frankie and Bennys is wow.

I am so full right now im actually peering over my own stomach to see the screen. Thank goodness I had PE today else i'd be feeling very guilty right now. I had a huge yummy burger (that was actually 2 burgers in one bun) and an east coast sundae which was ice cream with toffee and marshmallows and maltesers and more ice cream.

And 2 cocktails, a woo woo (yum, recommended) and a long island ice tea (more sophis, quite sour) both were good. Amy didnt like the ice tea so she swiped the last mouthful of my woo woo.

I dont think i've ever cringed more at the conversation between dad, liz, amy and myself. At one point there was mention of spooning... we had to explain to liz what it means. Awkwaaaaaard.

I have awesome slippers though, they're called duvet ducks and they are super warm. My toes are in heaven. And I got a nice cashmere jumper. Good choice Da.

Tomorrow is PARTY DAY *major excitement* so to be honest I should be getting an early night, but I have a wee bit of maths to do, so I shall be off, and I might fill in the rest of the conversation from tonight later. Also, exciting news on the driving lessons front. But all shall be revealed when I have more time. Only 1 more day till my birthday, roll on Saturday :)

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