Saturday 29 November 2008

Hors de Prix and Quality streets.

It's been a slow weekend as far as blogs go for me, I think by this time last Saturday i'd already posted 3? I've been super-duper busy today though! Was up really late last night sorting out last night's blog (turns out only being able to upload 5 photos at a time is really tedious) plus they all go in odd places and you have to move them back up the page and there is no quick way of doing that! And I had to tidy my room, because the godparents (dun dun dun) are coming tonight/tomorrow morning. I think 3am still counts as tonight. And they'll have a nosy about, I dont want them to see how much of a teenager's bedroom mine can be.
I also wrote some postcards, but I never got round to finishing them so Ski, Viki, Rach and Beej, yours will be finished sometime in the very near future.
Then I forgot to put my washing in, so I still have no clean jeans.
Then I did some knitting (chills me out, it's totally cool.)
Then I went to bed, at 2am.

I was woken up this morning by some annoying boy outside going "neeeeeowwwww" past my window on his bike. But he got bored of that so I went back to sleep. Mum came in at 12, threw my post at me and left again. So I got up and had a shower. Oo! And syrupy apple chunks for breakfast! My braces are still not allowing for biting hard things, so I chopped it up all little and covered it in syrup. It was amazing.

Shopping in morrisons was dire. There were SO many people, it was pandamonium (it took me 3 goes to spell that). We spent far too much money and got loads of those very christmassy foody bits like cranberry jelly, brandy and posh smelly cheese selections. I managed to sneak in a few more essentials. Had to get ingredients for my chocolate tart thingy that I'm making tomorrow, i've made this one before for Ski's and it went well, despite not following the recipe. So i reckon i'm safe here.

Yeh, so after that I got ready for Georgia's and left, did some more knitting on the bus while the ditchingham folk on the back seat were snogging trés loudly and texting with the key tone on LOUD. It was SO annoying. And Winston was getting a bit grumpy. I should explain that Winston was this funny chap at the bus stop who was wearing a big camo rainmac, welly's with leg warmers over his beige waterproofs. Had a flat cap and cane and the most glorious handlebar moutache I have EVER seen in all my days. It was white as snow. So he had to be called Winston. When we got on the bus he asked for "Senior Norwich City" which came out as "Seenyar Noritch Citay" *giggle*

Georgia's was us watching lots of films and eating junk. I hadnt seen Wall-e before but it was so sweet! Hors de Prix i've already seen so I wasnt enthralled by that one. We had a massive indian after we'd already stuffed ourself with cadbury's finest, which has made me feel utterly enourmous.

Anywho, nobody but nobody is online tonight, so I have a good opportunity to finish those postcards, remember to put the washing in, do some work and finish my knitting. All while la-ing away to some gospel music. As always. Piano practice shall have to wait till tomorrow because Ami will complain through the wall that i'm shit.

Sorry for the wordy wordy longness. It's been a wordy wordy day.

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