Saturday 8 November 2008

First steps into blogging

Ok, it would be odd to be aprehensive about posting my first ever blog, because it really isnt a big deal. However, it's almost like someone reading your diary having your perculiar thought processes published onto the netterweb.

Anyway, here goes. First ever blog.

Topic? Viki's house, Coffee and Catching buses. Life in general...
Seeing as I spent last night at viki's, working while her beej rach and ski went out to a party i wasnt allowed to go to, it seems only fitting that it is mentioned in here somewhere. Even though Viki left for work (first day ahhhh) at some silly hour of the morning, Beej, Rach, Ski and I had a lovely long lie in then breakfast/lunch before going our deperate ways.
I had 3 hours to kill last night waiting for them so I ploughed through a ridiculous amount of homework that i would never have got done otherwise. Coffee at hand, music blaring.

Me and Ski have decided that the 588 is our bus. And that it feels wrong being on any other bus.
This may just be us being odd? Also, is whistling on buses the done thing? Cos it really pisses me off. Whistling never sounds nice unless it's the person who whistles in "singing in the rain". Then it's ok.

Got my student card today. I feel so old! Also, forgot to write to Clare this week, major guilt. Will remember to write tomorrow...

Adequately bored? Pfft.

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