Saturday 8 November 2008

Why phone companies should go away

I actually cannot stand those people that call up and ask you questions about your netowrk provider. I really dont care if it's thier job. It's a silly job.

They should all go and get new jobs and stop calling me at silly hours in the morning.


Totally switching to Asda btw, O2 is rubbish. I've spent nearly £100 in 3 months with them. Blyk though, free texts and stuff? Hello. It's too late/early to do it now though.

It's just started pissing it down with rain, I can hear it hammering on my window. Seeeeriously heavy. Thank goodness it wasnt like this earlier tramping about in the city with Ski and Beej. Or even last night, when those 4 were on the beach (why you ask? I dont know.) Either way, it's quite fascinating to watch as long as you're inside, and dry, and warm. In your jammies of course.

I might go to bed actually, nobody's online.

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