Monday 17 November 2008


I like to classify people into groups. Mainly things like... people who like camping and those who don't, or people who'll eat food that's fallen on the floor and those that won't. Wether or not they sing in the shower, use mouthwash, drink tea. You get the idea.

One of my divisions has to do with getting from place to place. You know when you go into town, and, you have somewhere you need to be but you have ages to get there? Well, some people (me people) will take a route they dont know so well, yeh, it's more walking, but i might see something new, or bump into someone i havent seen in ages. Then there's people who will think ahead which way is quickest. Plan how long it will take. Wait in a coffee bar. Read the paper. Go on time. Get there on time.

I wonder how many different little groups you could fit people into? Because i am one of those people that wonder about things that ultimately will never make any difference.

That's enough theology for tonight.

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