Monday 17 November 2008

A long list of things I really like.

Gingerbread lattés
Notre Dame canteen
Rubbish music
Good music
Tea (3 sugars)
Scrambled eggs
Clear nights
Sofa dates
Romantic films
A good book
That "ping" moment when you understand that stupid maths problem you've been working on for the last 20minutes
Musicals that get stuck in your head
Poetry that makes you think it's talking about you
Bright nail varnish
Falling asleep on the backseat of the bus when it's dark and cold outside
Solving crosswords while eating toast
Warming my fingers up in other people's hands
Nose/tummy/neck kisses
My ipod - more than most things
Bikerides with Beej
Building fires with Rach
LPs with Ski
Baking with Viki
Nights in/Days out with all 4 of them
Photos, and lots of them
Jumping in rivers fully clothed then walking home soaking wet
Sitting under my bridge
Crisps that aren't made of potatoes
Getting a little bit lost
New shoes
Old shoes
Big jumpers
Pyjama days
Lie ins
Finishing homework the day before it's due, not the day after
My walls
Expensive straighteners
Big earrings
Record players
Vintage dresses
Meal deals
Sitting in the close, on the bench, looking at the cathedral
Not having to be anywhere
Girly nights in, proper ones, no boys allowed
Messing about with Ami
Messing about with Clare
Messing about
2 layer chocolate boxes
Midnight phone conversations that last till 4am
Noisy gigs when you know every word
Waiting for the late bus with my best friends
In jokes
When you know exactly what someone means without them saying a word

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