Tuesday 18 November 2008

This month's hobby will be...

I think I have hobby commitment issues. In such a way that I will be so incredibly into something new and exciting one day, then, i'll forget about it, and move onto someting else.

Swimming. - Havent been in MONTHS.
Gym. - Once a week if i'm feeling fat.
Jazz Band. - Ha, what jazz band.
Kung Fu. - So incredibly occasional I dont think I can count it here, used to go every week.
Guitar. - Picked it up, played it, dropped it.
Sax. - I heart my saxaphone, it just doesnt heart me back.
Flute. - Ditto.
Climbing. - Ha! This one I actually do. loveitloveitloveit.
Knitting. - I am 60 at heart. I can knit pictures. I bet you cant knit pictures.
Cooking. - Everyone who last ate my cooking project survived.
Gospel. - My newest, i really like this one though, this is a keeper.
Street dance - I did this for my DofE. Then didnt need it. So I stopped.

Does blogging count as a hobby?...

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