Saturday 22 November 2008

Gospel gospel gospel

I <3 Gospel choir.

It is SO much fun.

Plus, audience today?! not quite what we were expecting, us faithful few that braved the freezing blizzards of Norwich to get there. Well, technically I was in a car for most of the way, only very very few of us actually walked allllll the way. Heh heh heh.

Mum let me and Ami do the weekly shop, big mistake madré. We stocked up on the essentials of course, ice cream, mini animal chocolate biscuits, caramel latté stuff, magazines, Juno, you know, the basics. Anything on offer with a high sugar content pretty much went in. Sniff tests were carried out on fabric conditioner, washing up liquid and shampoo in order to decide which to get. Because we're clearly taking notice of the economy crisis...

Apparently green toilet paper is better than yellow. I do not know why. But it doesnt go off, so we're good.

Now i'm about to go a bit OCD on my bedroom because it looks like a bomb went off in here and when I walked in i stepped on a bit of laptop casing that must have snapped off when i may or may not have dropped said laptop the other day. Thankfully it functions just aswell without the bit of casing. It hurt my foot though.

Tidying music?... Gospellll :)

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