Friday 21 November 2008

Welcome to Norwich Library.

I'm writing this one not straight from brain to netterweb today for the simple reason that im not at a computer and have nothing to do for half an hour.

A brief overview of where I am. To the North West of me a man in luminescent cylcle gear is "reading" the daily mail. He hasnt stopped licking his finger and turning the pages for long enough to finish reading a sentance.

West of me there is an old lady in a wheelchair asleep behind her magazine (New Technologies) while her husband is sat reading a Phillip Pullman novel. Her hat is blocking the title.

North Easterly we find the chav brigade - taking up all the computers and annoying everyone by using the swivel chairs as tanks in a game of forum wars. I can only assume they have nothing better to do with thier lives.

To the south is a bookcase. Unsurprisingly.

North and East, stairs and computers. Nobody goes up there because it is the heritage library and none of us care about our heritage.

Eurgh. 15 minutes.

There will be prizes for the observantly geeky of you who can tell me exactly where I am sat. Also, if you take your ipod out you realise just how noisy this library is! Marzanos sound like they're having a glass smashing competition and I reckon they're putting up scaffolding downstairs judging by the amount of poles hitting the floor. Pombear Eyepatch boy is singing loudly. He is also tone deaf. This is annoying. And if the girl next to me doesnt stop humming the same note every few seconds (normally while typing) i'll go mad.

Oo! free computer.

Ok from here it's straight from brain to blog. Jonnie just rang saying he's on his way so now would be a good time to stop.

I hope this timewasting activity has been vaguely interesting for you.

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