Tuesday 20 January 2009

sorry tights...

it's bin time.
After nearly 6months of invincible tights, my favourite ever pair of tights are biting the proverbial dust. This is a very sad day.

On lighter notes, just watched the ol' presidential speech. Not bad, not bad, got a few good one liners in for the history books. I liked the "we will extend and open hand, if you will unclench your fist" bit, i thought that was a very good one. Mrs. Obama was wearing a luverly suit thing aswell, unfortunatly clashed with Barack's tie...

I have discovered my domestic goddess side recently. (This is a total tangent to the american president btw) I have been cooking and doing my own ironing and everything, my room (as of an hour ago) is a haven of absolute precision tidiness and I have organised all my work back into it's correct filing system ready for refferal to at a later date. I have also just cracked that damn stats homework, yes, facebook and blogspot were my own personal reward for doing so :)

I do not envy my bestest evervever friendy right now who is busy working away on stats revision for his exam tomorrow. I do envy the mini study-leave-lie-in and early finish he gets though...jammy little... Obviously he'll pass it :) He has a brain the size of a moderatly huge planet. But he does insist on getting stressed about it anyway. Unlike me of course...

I should be getting back to work though, I have 2hours to get a chunk of it done before I have to get on with other things, and help out a little, and I wont have time to do stuff tomorrow cos it's gospel day! Hurray! Will unfortunatly be heading off to the mass at 7.15 for Fr. Tony's 25th anniversary doodah. Singing in latin? No thanks. Crapis Angelicus. Need to find a way home that does not involve getting the 11.35 bus back to Bungay, not only because i'm terrified of being stabbed and killed in Norwich walking from Sprowston Rd to St. Stephens Str, but also because I will be shattered, fall asleep on the bus, miss my stop and end up in Halesworth. Plus walking back from Bungay to Earsham at that time of night seems to take forever. Euuuurgh. Such are the worries of my day.

This has been a rather rambly whingy kinda blog today, my apologies for my toadyness. Have a nice picture to brighten the mood a little.

Mmmmmm, yes please.

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