Saturday 24 January 2009

So replaceable

I am so pissed off that I lost my phone, just the thought of some grotty chav sifting through all my texts and pictures that I had so lovingly collected over my 3 wonderful years with my good ol' razr. Alas, now gone, I have been forced to replace my trusty flippy with this new swanky shiny thing that does stuff without me telling it to and cost me a frikkin' bomb.

I miss my old phone to be honest. Yes, I was attached to it in an entirely unhealthy way, but just thinking of all the great conversations I have had whilst stuck to that thing. Oh if phones could keep secrets. This one makes me look like a try hard who couldnt decide what function she wanted of her phone. Camera? Music player? Pocket disco? I also have a fundamental problem with it being labelled "XpressMusic" cos it's spelt wrong and doesnt have a space between 2 clearly different words. Music is not the suffix to "Xpress" or even "express" it's just EURGH.

It's a phone. I know how to make it do the stuff I bought it for. Text. Call. Receive.

Moving on. Last night was trés fun, the bits I am fully aware of. I may have become increasingly intoxicated as the night wore on and this may or may not have led to me stuck in a corner of the kitchen in bare feet surrounded by cheap smashed wine glass. Never fear, Beej and Rachel rescued me. I am also a little scarred by some of the reading matter that was being giggled at like little kids. It's so not funny. We left that house tidier than how we found it! Ultimate teenage party guests methinks.

Star buy of today was not the phone. It was the peppermint lipbalm. Hands down.

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