Wednesday 21 January 2009

Amazing Grace.

We sang a new song in gospel today, my favourite arrangement of amazing grace and it sounded so beautiful with all the parts together. It's always that first time we all sing our parts and you hear it all come together it's just incredible. I love it. It never gets old :)

Seemed to go quicker than usual today though, Fliss did very well keeping us all in line. Then it was off to St. George's for Fr. Tony's 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. It was a really nice mass, first time i've sat in the congregation as opposed to the choir loft for a long time so that was nice. Was still sat with the choir, and still sang, so no change there, but at least I was with everyone, not looking over the top of them like an owl in the rafters. (Though speaking of, my hair was very owly today...hoot hoot)

I am SO tired, honestly, it's just silly. I've been yawning away all day. I was glazing over in PE before Kirwan made me construct the human heart out of all the people in my class and demonstrate through means of mexican waves how the electric impulses travel. It's hard work getting dippy boys to stand in the right place and wave their arms, turns out they really cant multitask that well. Then I actually did fall asleep in my double free while doing my biology homework, but it's ok, Jonnie checked I wasnt dead then carried on with his piano practice as far as I know :)

I am looking forward to my lie in tomorrow. Very very much.

Anywho, apart from a very yummy cream muffin thingy that I got all over me in the car home, I havent eaten today (i'm a busy lady) so i'm off to make some pasta. (No Beej, that's not a bribe again) So I shall catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone has had a nice Wednesday.

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