Tuesday 13 January 2009

A little inspiration

I've just read a really sweet blog that's inspired me to think of all the cool things i've done in the past year that has lead up to me being me at this very point in time.

Also, a week without a post, i'm slipping.

January 2008.

Oh my, mocks results and exams dominated my new year like nothing else, it seemed there was no letting up for Y11s with reports, parents evening and results all coming up. I like to say I did quite well, even if mum did lay into Mr. Ireson as though he had personally offended her by being a dick. He still hasnt given my folio back...


More exams of course. This was nearing the end of the dream team really... Me and Rach went to see the ballet and we all celebrated Jem's birthday at Shikis in tombland where I unknowingly ate octopus (I do NOT recommend it). I spent alot of time in Mrs. Hammersly's office in february.


Pfft, boring month, only one party?!


I had a job all this month, an amazing one, chocolate fountain operator!! Ha, £9.20 and hour and I got all the chocolate I could eat. We did our DofE this month. It was f***ing freezing to the point where there was snow settling on our tent. Rachel Viki and I couldnt sleep because we were so cold! There is alot of video evidence of that weekend, me being tortured by the boys (having bread thrown at me?!) Alot of secrets came out that weekend too. Gang? What gang.
Also, Gilmore sprained my elbow during my PE exam, and I still got a 10. Mwahaha.


New gang! I didnt stick with them long but we had alot of fun getting drunk/sunburnt with each other. I spent alot of time at home revising, seeing as we were all on study leave. Exams were nerve wracking and put alot of strain on relationships over May. Not least me and him. I still saw his last show though, I was so proud of him.


Nicole bond party, omg. Not the worst I have ever been to, but it wasnt exactly Ski's if you get my drift. Vodka in water guns? ewwwww. It was just so year 6 disco. (The DJ not the vodders). Metronomy was the reforming of me and Ski. We're still the same person in different people.

Lets not forget prom in this one! I think that was possibly up there in the top 3 events of my young life. Snell got drunk and we got away with calling him allsorts of names, Barber was grinding Carrol and Glaister was totally rat arsed. VERY funny.


This month fixed me. Latitude!!
Not just a musicl festival I can tell you, it was a 4 day flurry of new friends, old friends, best friends, booze, dancing, singing, poetry, dresses, wellies, tents, fires, experimenting *wink wink*, cooking over gas cans, sleeping at 4 and waking up at 10 to just do it all over again. I'm already saving for the next one, I loved it so much. Best 4 days ever. I owe my best friend to it.
Tom's party - Sand and cheeky smiles.
Hedenham bikerides, it was lovely.


This was the month of the legendary "Ski's party" where I got drunker than I have ever been in my entire life and slashed my foot open. Beej and Rach got together, Viki's birthday, Underage, Tim minchin with Rach. RESULTS! This really was an awesome month. I decided where I wanted to be at that time next year on that day. I made some big decisions. I'm glad I did.


Oh my goodness. 6th form?! What a change. Suddenly i'm no longer familliar with my old school, where I knew everyone and there was such a great atmosphere. I dont know anyone's names, i'm in a form with all these people i've never met and suddenyl i'm acting so unlike me...
I'm glad I had my good old 4 besties to help me out, this was my new start to school. I met some awesome people that i've made such good friends with, not least Jonnie and Anna.


Distrotion, choir festival, parties and Johnny Flynn :) This was us recovering from the shock of 6th form. The gang stuck together alot of the time, we ended up back at mine, I cooked my first proper roast dinner. Success!!


I got to a year without imploding. Wahey! Who needs them eh? Clare came back from uni for a bit, i saw my godparents and I got TCT started. This was the month I got involved with gospel choir. They are the most amazing bunch of people, I felt instantly accepted by them and I continue to love it. I think i've been going on about it ever since.


My 17th birthday saw me singing in the streets of norwich, falling asleep by the fire with my best friends and seeing all the old Y11s at prizegiving for the last time. It was a good month for relationships I think. Family christmas, with a smile on my face :)

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