Tuesday 20 January 2009

An ode to just being there.

If there is something I love to do, it's make a cup of tea, climb into bed and read poetry. Just imagine how many moments led to every poem between the covers? How much time, and thought and emotion is written in every empty space between the words you see on the page? I think it's amazing, and what's more, inspiring. It makes me feel ok with the world again, getting lost in someone else's poetry. I was reading "If" for the thousandth time today, I can practically recite it by heart now.

Yes, I am in a mildly poetic kinda mood and yes, I should be in bed right now. But first I wanted to say something to the 5 people that make my very comparitavely tiny lifetime worth the carbon footprint.

I love you, all of you, alot. Possibly more than is considered normal as far as friendships go, but no harm. Without people like you wandering around the planet, people like me would undoubtably fall off of it. You are the gravity to my atmosphere :) It's times like this when it really hows how close people are, and the strength of the bonds between them. I know that you're all looking out for me right now. Thankyou. I wont forget this when it's you who needs a girly night in and an extra big smile first thing in the morning.

Ok, now im going to bed. I'm so sleepy my brain has ceased to function. Just, if anyone wants my fish - we cant manage them anymore. Big free tank. 3 fish - Turk, Carla and JD. They like cheesy pop records and walks in the park. Free to loving home, no flushing, no frying.

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