Saturday 31 January 2009

Oi Beej

Eat yer fruit.

Thursday 29 January 2009

Me and Hattie

This is summer 1992.

Mills and Mulhearn. Back in the day. I totally had walking down before Hattie, that's why she's stuck in the swing and I'm showing the floor who's boss.

Those swings were lethal, we both lost teeth because of that one on Hattie's right.

I have no ankles in this photo.

Take that technology

I've got my old number back :D

Oh happy days.

It'll confuse people now but it's so much less hassle.

Right now

I'm on hold.

I called t-mobile customer services, after 400 million "press a number if this applies to you" options I am now listening to Duffy on loop. It's SO irritating. I've been cut off twice and when I got through to a person they were like "Hello this is Jill how can I help you?" I say "Can I have my PAC code please?" and she goes "Ok let me just transfer you"

And i'm back to Duffy for 10minutes.

I hate trying to talk to these things.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Stretchy Jeans

Channel 4 is doing another food season. It's really thought provoking all about how people handle weight issues, eating, body image and all that kinda thing.

I never know how I feel about all this kinda thing, hypocritical maybe? Cynical definatly. Confused? Yup. I freely admit that I am unhappy with my weight, how I look and how I think other people see me. I dont judge people on how much they weigh, but I do fall out with myself when I think i'm at the wrong weight. I know, there is no wrong weight.

Thats me having yo-yo self esteem.

Sometimes I just wish that I could change all the bits about me I dont like, but then I wouldnt be me. And I still dont think i'd be entirely happy with it. Siiiiigh.

My jeans knees wore out today. Not cos I have chunky knees. Cos they're from primark. Anna told me how to patch them though.

Monday 26 January 2009

Bored? Hell yes.

I reckon there's something in my room that starts with a letter in the alphabet. I'm bored ebough to test this theory.

A - AA complete test guide, everything you need to know to pass your test (except how to drive?)
B - Body lotions, in thier masses
C - Caramel latté coffee cups. Cold.
D - Duvet. It's big and pink and has "keep calm and carry on" written on it
E - Envelopes for the many letters I decide to send
F - Flatties, I own about 13 pairs of flat shoes cos I have duck feet and cant handle heels.
G - Green. My walls are green, apart from the pink one.
H - HiFiiiiiii I never use it though cos I play stuff through the pod speakers.
I - Instructions on how to use the phone. Unread.
J - Junk. So much junk.
K - Karma Sutra. (I made that one up. Or did I?)
L - Leftover scrambled eggs with toast. It smells like sunday afternoon gone wrong.
M - Money (lack of)
N - NOKIA 5310
O - Opiates. Haha. Jokes. ummmm Optical aids (spectacles x3)
P - Photos, at a guess i'd say about 100.
Q - Queen Lizzie (she's on a penny on my desk)
R - Red high heels. I never wear them. Who ever wears red high heels?
S - Sarah. Meeeeeeeee.
T - Television - I watch rubbish though.
U - Uranium.
V - VO5 curl and protect heat spray, defines with shine.
W - Words of wisdom.
Y - Yummy smelling lipgloss
Z - Zappers. I have one for the telly one for th VCR and one for the DVD. None of them have batteries in them.

Oh for goodness sake.

When I have had a crappy day

I buy shoes.

Today has been a shoe buying day I'm afraid. It wouldnt have been up until 4th period, but stats test followed by maths followed by a certain someone, actually 2 certain someones being absolute tools followed by setting North to South followed by 45minute city waits for the bus just made my day pretty shit.

They're grey pumps btw. Like the ones everyone keeps getting from topshop but i got mine from Mr. Shoe cos a) they're cheaper and b) i couldnt be naffed to walk to topshop.

If anyone fancies improving my day, i'm open to some cheering up over here.

Sunday 25 January 2009

I dont know what this means

Accidental pyjama day

I had every intention of doing alot of very productive things today. Homework, housework, rewrite my CV so I can get some actual work, read the instructions for the stupid phone, work out how to return that damn poncho, tidy up the mountain of clean clothes that have found thier way onto my computer chair so i have to perch on the end of my bed to type and finally, tap out some vital maths know-how for Kate.

I got up at 13.56

This rendered at least half of my list impossible simply due to the time available in the day.

Anyway, I'm still in my pyjamas. I had rubbish scrambled eggs for breakfast/lunch and my room, although now half devoid of clean clothes, is a tip. I have managed to do some maths, flick through the american constitution in some detail and decide that the PE homework can just wait. I have been glaring at the phone all day. The poncho is all ready to go. I hope.

So Carphone Warehouse texted me today saying "hey thanks for choosing carphone warehouse *blah blah* how likely are you to recommend us to a friend on a scale of 1-10?" So I think to myself, this is my chance to relieve some of the pent up stress that has arisen due to mobile phones in the past 3 days and settle my own personal grudge with the new one. I weighed up my options, 1 is a silly number, if they're graphing this, 1 would be an anomolous result, 1 would have been not even buying it in the first place. Anything from 4-7 is "yeh, it's fine, i havent really thought too much about this." and seeing as I had to go right out of town to get the one I (thought) I wanted because they didnt have any in Chapelfield there was no way it was getting anything over 8. So, I texted back. "The reason I am not texting back a negative number is because a. It's not on the scale and b. I have a phone. The only redeeming feature was the sales assistants that sold me the stupid thing as they were cheery and reasonably attractive. Your part in the obtaining of the phone was little less than perfect. I just have no idea how the bloody thing works."

I felt this was an adequate response.

Anyway, now that i've checked all the updates on the cupcakes blogs I follow, and the one intelligent political blog, I shall be off. I may or may not get dressed - It's too late in the day to bother really. I'm such a slob.

Saturday 24 January 2009

So replaceable

I am so pissed off that I lost my phone, just the thought of some grotty chav sifting through all my texts and pictures that I had so lovingly collected over my 3 wonderful years with my good ol' razr. Alas, now gone, I have been forced to replace my trusty flippy with this new swanky shiny thing that does stuff without me telling it to and cost me a frikkin' bomb.

I miss my old phone to be honest. Yes, I was attached to it in an entirely unhealthy way, but just thinking of all the great conversations I have had whilst stuck to that thing. Oh if phones could keep secrets. This one makes me look like a try hard who couldnt decide what function she wanted of her phone. Camera? Music player? Pocket disco? I also have a fundamental problem with it being labelled "XpressMusic" cos it's spelt wrong and doesnt have a space between 2 clearly different words. Music is not the suffix to "Xpress" or even "express" it's just EURGH.

It's a phone. I know how to make it do the stuff I bought it for. Text. Call. Receive.

Moving on. Last night was trés fun, the bits I am fully aware of. I may have become increasingly intoxicated as the night wore on and this may or may not have led to me stuck in a corner of the kitchen in bare feet surrounded by cheap smashed wine glass. Never fear, Beej and Rachel rescued me. I am also a little scarred by some of the reading matter that was being giggled at like little kids. It's so not funny. We left that house tidier than how we found it! Ultimate teenage party guests methinks.

Star buy of today was not the phone. It was the peppermint lipbalm. Hands down.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Amazing Grace.

We sang a new song in gospel today, my favourite arrangement of amazing grace and it sounded so beautiful with all the parts together. It's always that first time we all sing our parts and you hear it all come together it's just incredible. I love it. It never gets old :)

Seemed to go quicker than usual today though, Fliss did very well keeping us all in line. Then it was off to St. George's for Fr. Tony's 25th Anniversary of his Ordination. It was a really nice mass, first time i've sat in the congregation as opposed to the choir loft for a long time so that was nice. Was still sat with the choir, and still sang, so no change there, but at least I was with everyone, not looking over the top of them like an owl in the rafters. (Though speaking of, my hair was very owly today...hoot hoot)

I am SO tired, honestly, it's just silly. I've been yawning away all day. I was glazing over in PE before Kirwan made me construct the human heart out of all the people in my class and demonstrate through means of mexican waves how the electric impulses travel. It's hard work getting dippy boys to stand in the right place and wave their arms, turns out they really cant multitask that well. Then I actually did fall asleep in my double free while doing my biology homework, but it's ok, Jonnie checked I wasnt dead then carried on with his piano practice as far as I know :)

I am looking forward to my lie in tomorrow. Very very much.

Anywho, apart from a very yummy cream muffin thingy that I got all over me in the car home, I havent eaten today (i'm a busy lady) so i'm off to make some pasta. (No Beej, that's not a bribe again) So I shall catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone has had a nice Wednesday.

Tuesday 20 January 2009

An ode to just being there.

If there is something I love to do, it's make a cup of tea, climb into bed and read poetry. Just imagine how many moments led to every poem between the covers? How much time, and thought and emotion is written in every empty space between the words you see on the page? I think it's amazing, and what's more, inspiring. It makes me feel ok with the world again, getting lost in someone else's poetry. I was reading "If" for the thousandth time today, I can practically recite it by heart now.

Yes, I am in a mildly poetic kinda mood and yes, I should be in bed right now. But first I wanted to say something to the 5 people that make my very comparitavely tiny lifetime worth the carbon footprint.

I love you, all of you, alot. Possibly more than is considered normal as far as friendships go, but no harm. Without people like you wandering around the planet, people like me would undoubtably fall off of it. You are the gravity to my atmosphere :) It's times like this when it really hows how close people are, and the strength of the bonds between them. I know that you're all looking out for me right now. Thankyou. I wont forget this when it's you who needs a girly night in and an extra big smile first thing in the morning.

Ok, now im going to bed. I'm so sleepy my brain has ceased to function. Just, if anyone wants my fish - we cant manage them anymore. Big free tank. 3 fish - Turk, Carla and JD. They like cheesy pop records and walks in the park. Free to loving home, no flushing, no frying.

sorry tights...

it's bin time.
After nearly 6months of invincible tights, my favourite ever pair of tights are biting the proverbial dust. This is a very sad day.

On lighter notes, just watched the ol' presidential speech. Not bad, not bad, got a few good one liners in for the history books. I liked the "we will extend and open hand, if you will unclench your fist" bit, i thought that was a very good one. Mrs. Obama was wearing a luverly suit thing aswell, unfortunatly clashed with Barack's tie...

I have discovered my domestic goddess side recently. (This is a total tangent to the american president btw) I have been cooking and doing my own ironing and everything, my room (as of an hour ago) is a haven of absolute precision tidiness and I have organised all my work back into it's correct filing system ready for refferal to at a later date. I have also just cracked that damn stats homework, yes, facebook and blogspot were my own personal reward for doing so :)

I do not envy my bestest evervever friendy right now who is busy working away on stats revision for his exam tomorrow. I do envy the mini study-leave-lie-in and early finish he gets though...jammy little... Obviously he'll pass it :) He has a brain the size of a moderatly huge planet. But he does insist on getting stressed about it anyway. Unlike me of course...

I should be getting back to work though, I have 2hours to get a chunk of it done before I have to get on with other things, and help out a little, and I wont have time to do stuff tomorrow cos it's gospel day! Hurray! Will unfortunatly be heading off to the mass at 7.15 for Fr. Tony's 25th anniversary doodah. Singing in latin? No thanks. Crapis Angelicus. Need to find a way home that does not involve getting the 11.35 bus back to Bungay, not only because i'm terrified of being stabbed and killed in Norwich walking from Sprowston Rd to St. Stephens Str, but also because I will be shattered, fall asleep on the bus, miss my stop and end up in Halesworth. Plus walking back from Bungay to Earsham at that time of night seems to take forever. Euuuurgh. Such are the worries of my day.

This has been a rather rambly whingy kinda blog today, my apologies for my toadyness. Have a nice picture to brighten the mood a little.

Mmmmmm, yes please.

Saturday 17 January 2009

Oh life.

I have been doing some serious book bashing today, I went to waterstones on my way back from Viki's and I am just taking a break now from a political invasion of information.

I will pass this exam.

On a different note, me and mum went impulse shopping today and bought a £50 juicer. For the sheer hell of it. Then we made yummy juice and added Archers which makes it yummier. I have a new love for juicers, not as much as I love one pot (It's just SO simple!!) but still, there's alot of love there for my freshly juiced sunshine in a glass.

Things are sounding better after today, i'm not as scared as I was. Things are going to be ok I think. Now I can go back to worrying about exams eh?

Tuesday 13 January 2009

A little inspiration

I've just read a really sweet blog that's inspired me to think of all the cool things i've done in the past year that has lead up to me being me at this very point in time.

Also, a week without a post, i'm slipping.

January 2008.

Oh my, mocks results and exams dominated my new year like nothing else, it seemed there was no letting up for Y11s with reports, parents evening and results all coming up. I like to say I did quite well, even if mum did lay into Mr. Ireson as though he had personally offended her by being a dick. He still hasnt given my folio back...


More exams of course. This was nearing the end of the dream team really... Me and Rach went to see the ballet and we all celebrated Jem's birthday at Shikis in tombland where I unknowingly ate octopus (I do NOT recommend it). I spent alot of time in Mrs. Hammersly's office in february.


Pfft, boring month, only one party?!


I had a job all this month, an amazing one, chocolate fountain operator!! Ha, £9.20 and hour and I got all the chocolate I could eat. We did our DofE this month. It was f***ing freezing to the point where there was snow settling on our tent. Rachel Viki and I couldnt sleep because we were so cold! There is alot of video evidence of that weekend, me being tortured by the boys (having bread thrown at me?!) Alot of secrets came out that weekend too. Gang? What gang.
Also, Gilmore sprained my elbow during my PE exam, and I still got a 10. Mwahaha.


New gang! I didnt stick with them long but we had alot of fun getting drunk/sunburnt with each other. I spent alot of time at home revising, seeing as we were all on study leave. Exams were nerve wracking and put alot of strain on relationships over May. Not least me and him. I still saw his last show though, I was so proud of him.


Nicole bond party, omg. Not the worst I have ever been to, but it wasnt exactly Ski's if you get my drift. Vodka in water guns? ewwwww. It was just so year 6 disco. (The DJ not the vodders). Metronomy was the reforming of me and Ski. We're still the same person in different people.

Lets not forget prom in this one! I think that was possibly up there in the top 3 events of my young life. Snell got drunk and we got away with calling him allsorts of names, Barber was grinding Carrol and Glaister was totally rat arsed. VERY funny.


This month fixed me. Latitude!!
Not just a musicl festival I can tell you, it was a 4 day flurry of new friends, old friends, best friends, booze, dancing, singing, poetry, dresses, wellies, tents, fires, experimenting *wink wink*, cooking over gas cans, sleeping at 4 and waking up at 10 to just do it all over again. I'm already saving for the next one, I loved it so much. Best 4 days ever. I owe my best friend to it.
Tom's party - Sand and cheeky smiles.
Hedenham bikerides, it was lovely.


This was the month of the legendary "Ski's party" where I got drunker than I have ever been in my entire life and slashed my foot open. Beej and Rach got together, Viki's birthday, Underage, Tim minchin with Rach. RESULTS! This really was an awesome month. I decided where I wanted to be at that time next year on that day. I made some big decisions. I'm glad I did.


Oh my goodness. 6th form?! What a change. Suddenly i'm no longer familliar with my old school, where I knew everyone and there was such a great atmosphere. I dont know anyone's names, i'm in a form with all these people i've never met and suddenyl i'm acting so unlike me...
I'm glad I had my good old 4 besties to help me out, this was my new start to school. I met some awesome people that i've made such good friends with, not least Jonnie and Anna.


Distrotion, choir festival, parties and Johnny Flynn :) This was us recovering from the shock of 6th form. The gang stuck together alot of the time, we ended up back at mine, I cooked my first proper roast dinner. Success!!


I got to a year without imploding. Wahey! Who needs them eh? Clare came back from uni for a bit, i saw my godparents and I got TCT started. This was the month I got involved with gospel choir. They are the most amazing bunch of people, I felt instantly accepted by them and I continue to love it. I think i've been going on about it ever since.


My 17th birthday saw me singing in the streets of norwich, falling asleep by the fire with my best friends and seeing all the old Y11s at prizegiving for the last time. It was a good month for relationships I think. Family christmas, with a smile on my face :)

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Nervously confident.

Is it even possible to be feeling sure about yourself 12hours before your exam? Is it normal? Am I totally deluded?

Honestly, I'm pretty confident that I have done enough for this biology AS to NOT go horribly wrong. How could it? I've been through this stuff 400 times and it's not ALL going to be in there. Chances are there is going to be alot of stuff on that paper that I know.

Lets just hope I dont turn into my usual pre-exam nervous wreck, lose the ability to read or write and end up hiding under the desk for the entire exam. It could happen.

Good luck my biological comrades

Tuesday 6 January 2009

Uh oh.

Mr. Little has found my blog...

Gonna have to start censoring the crazy a little bit, though, flicking through I have been very nice about politics.
Ciara told me I should remove SXCmaths though. Haha, probably right there.

For eveyone who has just got back from Biology revision night, I am amazed that we lasted till half 6. It was all kinda bouncing off me by the end though, at least the pizza was good. And I am impressed that you can get to Cheungs and back in a 5minute break. Room stank of chips though.

I reckon i'm ready for thursday... kinda...

Oh my goodness it's only tuesday. I feel like i've been back at school for weeks. Too much work!!! Kim, i'm totally not doing the Gook stats tests. If he doesnt know the answers, then there is no way i'm wasting revision time answering them. Eurgh.

I'm totally going to go raid the christmas biscuits.

Friday 2 January 2009

Happiness is a bag of doritos

With cheese and chive dip. Or thousand island, im not fussy.

the holidays is the worst time to have new years, everyone who resoluted (resolved?) to get fit and stop eating rubbish stands no chance when all you do all day is snack and watch tv.

I didnt actually do that today, but i'm comfort eating so leave me be.

I actually took comfort eating to a new level when I went all the way into norwich to get cookie dough ben and jerry's ice cream. It takes an hour to get to Norwich from my house. Sad huh? I also bought hair dye. It's called "foxy red" and I like it.

The bus in and out was my people fix of the week, I have seen nobody ALL holiday. It's been silly. But Gabriel and Rose and Hannah were on today so I had someone interesting to talk to thank goodness. Oscar - Gabriel is so like you...

Ok, im going to go make fatty pasta now. Then break into that ice cream and watch Juno.

I will be fat by tomorrow.