Tuesday 10 March 2009

The Soul Sessions

Is my current choice of mellow and chilled out background music. I have just successfully sorted out, re-organised and holepunched my folders. All my work is categorically filed with postits a plenty and page tags in each different, sub-section, category and syllabus statement.

This is very theraputic for my inner balances. You have no idea.

So now, i'm compiling my revision timetable leading up to my first exam prioritising with the stuff i've missed, or had completely gone over my head. Then some good ol' basics. Then add-ons. It only dawned on me when Tom said in politics today that this time last year I was panicking about GCSEs. Mt goodness. How naive I was.

I am an oasis of calm. I am an oasis of calm. I am an oasis of calm.

I'm terrified.

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