Friday 13 March 2009

Red Nose Results

I got my brown envelope yesterday :) After days and weeks of fretting, nailbiting and general despair at the prospect of having failed the first half of my AS courses. I am pleased to report that I, Sarah Mills, am not a total failure at school.

Biology - B
Politics - C

Good ones too, i'm retaking politics in the hope of getting a B at least, if not juuuuuust scraping an A. That'd be good. Maybe wishful thinking. I was chuffed with blodge. I was bracing myself for a U.

Moving onto today, all my lessons apart from P5 was cancelled. Joy. Free day. Free day that I would have liked to spend in bed really, but oh well. Me, Cati, Hannah and Kim pottered down to the cathedral to do some maths in the sun and wander about. Bumped into George, Ski and Beej (briefly) which was nice :) hadnt expected them to be out really.

I'm excited to hear how jazz night has gone, I'm not sure if it's over yet but my favourite bass player in the whole wide world is playing and I have my jazz shoes on just for him. I wish I could have stayed for all of it! I could do with a good bit of jazzing. I did get a mini fix this morning in one of the dingy dungeon practice rooms in school with Jemmo for a few hours. (I'm totally better at flute than Jem. Ha.)

I'm off to do some more work with comic relief in the background, they're on something like £28m.


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