Saturday 7 February 2009


I steam cleaned the bathroom today. It took nearly 2 hours and everything got a good steaming. Got my auntie coming down from Wales on Monday so house has to be tidy tidy tidy. Mum's orders. Also, picked up 8 pairs of my shoes from around the house today and still didnt have space to put them on my shoe shelves. Too many shoooooes.

I sent a very scary text today. Cos I stole the number off someone else and it's weird to pinch other people's numbers and them text them and be like "oo i stole your number!" cos you sound like a total stalker...

I hope he doesnt think i'm a total stalker...

Checking up on all my cupcake blogs today I saw there is such thing as cupcake flavour dental floss. But I thought cupcakes came in hundreds of flavour combinations and confining floss to only one of those then giving it such a general name as "cupcake flavour" is just fundamentally wrong.

Also, I have 7 pieces of biology homework to do this weekend! Well, tomorrow, this weekend only has one day left. All from McRobs. She is so making up for all the homework that Malik hasnt given us. We felt so bad when she was observing his lesson and she asked us to show her the homework he'd set us and the only piece I had was something i'd written down myself as revision because I hadnt quite cracked it in the lesson... Nobody else had ANY.

Yesterday was fun :) Ignoring the schooly bit and Amy getting me into trouble ringing in my maths lesson to see if i would help her carry shopping home. Got to hang out with VikiRachSkiBeej in our usual haunt drinking coffee and eating cake. Then eating chips in Grosenovs and wandering over to Maddermarket bar before Oscar's play (which I didnt get to see but I hear good things) Then I went down to Pizza hut (not to eat more) to meet Rachel before we got in an actual proper taxi to Fridays. It was scary. We did it though. Also, Jonny was down at pizza hut which was a nice suprise :)

Fridays was fun, as usual. Singing and messing about. Also being odd stacking up pringles cans and pepsi with Rachel, seeing as we both have odd compulsions to make it all go in straight lines... It was bloomin' cold though.

I have to be off now, hope this was an amazingly thrilling update into my life for you. I wasnt sure what kind of picture to put up today so it's totally random. Lucky you.

Corr, yummy.

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