Sunday 22 February 2009

A bad start to the second half

Well, my half term was going well - till today.

I'm not going into major details, those of you who know the main situation will probably know all about the minor one aswell. Not minor enough for it not to get to me though. Some people dont care who they step on to get a cheap shot in. Well you know what? I loved Wednesday night - and I dont regret it. I didn't do anything wrong. And as for what he said, let him have his opinion, I've tried and tried again to bridge the gap and he has made it perfectly clear what he thinks of me. Let him hate me.

Doormat no longer, I refuse to be bullied into feeling bad or apologising for things I havent done or being made to feel like I cant be friends with whoever the hell I like. No more blind trusting of so-called freinds, or relying on them to protect me from the spitefulness of jealousy and ignorance. No. I'm sick of it. I was promised support and security from them and all but 1 has let me down.

And you know what, I am due some good luck - I deserve it.

Yes. I am angry at the world. It's unfair.

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