Wednesday 4 February 2009

Bus stop trifle

What an odd day. Biology test was pants, despite all the revision i'd done. Though the hour at which I was doing it last night may have negated me doing it in the first place. I've just found out from Ciara that I actually have more homework. Joy.

PE was a lesson I could have spared myself. I am perfectly able to read a powerpoint on my own I dont need Mr. Stupid reading it out. He didnt even make it, it's copy pasted.

RE was cancelled. Scoooore.

Piano lesson was also good, I can totally play a song using both my hands both playing different things at different times. I was well chuffed.

Gospel was defiantly my highlight though, as always. Me and Rachel set a waffle date for next week, we discovered the joys of pointing and clicking. We sang Prince of Egypt songs, which I adore. "Deliver uuuuus da da da deliver uuuusss dum dum" (Those are so actual lyrics)

I had a really yummy trifle on the bus. It was from Marks and Sparks.

I'd best be off actually, my blog is rubbish today but i'm shattered. Maybe update tomorrow.

Have a picture

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