Saturday 28 February 2009

The game.

I hate washing up, i dont know why my family of 4 has not invested in a dishwasher. It would make my life a whole lot less gross.

Anyway, today has been rather productive! I fixed the chicken coop - putting my Y10/11 tech skills into practice, armed with hammer and nails I have re attached the wire to the frame and fixed the lid so it fits again. Now the chickens cant get out and the cats cant get in. Or so is the plan. Yes, i did hammer my thumb in true cartoon style - it really does do that comic throbbing thing.

I also managed to negotiate riding my very broken bike with one hand through the streets of Earsham (there were actually only 2 streets to go through) with a 5kg bag of chicken food slung over my shoulder throwing me totally off balance. A predicament i faced for a second time when I cycled up to Bungay to get milk and didnt have a rucksack. I feared, as I said before to Beej, a "dairy disaster".

Now I have to go wash the skanky dishes that are all covered in sticky gross stir fry before casualty starts and Amy gets back to add to the pile.

*excited about Monday*

Friday 27 February 2009

I must be missing something

The general attitude of Y12s right now is little short of dismal. Did we all see our reports and suddenly give up the will to live? Or have we all just fallen into that post-holiday pit of monotony when we have no notable holidays to look forward to, exams coming up and weeks of school left before we can have another break.
Have we all forgotten that we did full days every day in Y11? We have frees now! Some of us have lots of them! Surely this would be enough to brighten us up just a little? I mean - who doesnt love a good game of canteen pong or shit head or uno?
I dont know, maybe i'm doing that thing where my mood is being reflected on others and i'm seeing it back. Let's face it, I havent been the happiest bunny these past few weeks and it cant be much fun to be around a complete toad when you're trying to have a laugh.
But mum's home now, more to follow but she's ok. She's back home with her cat, her own bed and a decent cup of tea (if i do say so myself). I'm just hoping she can get the break she's been hoping for, no more meddling well-wishers poking thier nose in. We're ok with the nice helpful ones, it's the do-gooder busy bodies that have proved a pain in the ass.


Politics trip on Monday. Sarah in the big city. Me and Viki are going to have a good tiiiiime :) Not so sure about Harriet Harman and Cleggover. The rest is going to be a giggle. I pity the general public being on the commuter train with our politics class really. I'm still excited that i'm going actually through the streets of London, i've never been in the middle! My first ride on the underground was only last summer. I'm so uncultured.

But yes - it's now 23.23 (cool number) so i'm going to bed. Well - i'm going to get a drink and lock the garage and brush my teeth and clear a path through my room to my bed first. Then i'll go to bed. Might go into town tomorrowwwww.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Amayzing Mayzie.

Ok - i've chilled out again. Today hasnt been THE most amazing day but life goes on.

God help the next person to upset me.

Seussical on thursday - who will come with me?

Sunday 22 February 2009

A bad start to the second half

Well, my half term was going well - till today.

I'm not going into major details, those of you who know the main situation will probably know all about the minor one aswell. Not minor enough for it not to get to me though. Some people dont care who they step on to get a cheap shot in. Well you know what? I loved Wednesday night - and I dont regret it. I didn't do anything wrong. And as for what he said, let him have his opinion, I've tried and tried again to bridge the gap and he has made it perfectly clear what he thinks of me. Let him hate me.

Doormat no longer, I refuse to be bullied into feeling bad or apologising for things I havent done or being made to feel like I cant be friends with whoever the hell I like. No more blind trusting of so-called freinds, or relying on them to protect me from the spitefulness of jealousy and ignorance. No. I'm sick of it. I was promised support and security from them and all but 1 has let me down.

And you know what, I am due some good luck - I deserve it.

Yes. I am angry at the world. It's unfair.

Friday 20 February 2009

Just a piccy update

This was wednesday night. I loved it quite alot. Thankyou Viki :)

Thursday 19 February 2009

Wizard Wednesday

I had such fun at Viki's :) possibly slightly too much. I'm doing the whole "bear with a sore head" thing today which cant be fun for the people who have to be around me for any length of time. It was good though, best wednesday night in such a long time.

I also had a rather lovely wednesday afternoon :) from about 4-6.30.

All the relatives are gone now, just us 3 again. Nice and quiet.

I like this one -

An elegy of sentiment forgotten,
Reduced to monotonous pneumonic
the world she grew to love.
Her soulful tune a child begotten,
It’s heartfelt melody symphonic.

Monday 16 February 2009

New romantic

Sometimes the world's so full of silly clutter
it seems to be just scenery and props
for a dreadful play;
the dialogue is mutter,
the actors in it merely hams and fops.

On other,
brighter days the sense of utter
desolation lifts,
the penny drops
and it strikes me that we're all in the gutter
but some of us are gazing at the shops.

I didnt write that but I love it anyway.

So, it's been a while since I updated this really. I'm sat watching university challenge again. Last few days have not been entirely amazing but things are slowly returning to normal-ish. I doubt I could ever describe anything in my house as normal.

I've been looking for something to wear for Viki's on wednesday and have decided that I need to lose the food baby, buy new sukky inny jeans and a top that makes me look like a supermodel. Oh ho ho. I wish.

This is where there would be a lengthy awkward pause in conversation... I'm in a brain dead, tired/absent mood. It's a combination of spending alot of today walking around for some headspace and eating too much for tea (hence negating the effects of the prior)

There are 3 seperate conversations and a telly programme going on in this room. It's bonkers.

Sunday 8 February 2009

Sleepy slow Sunday

I got up at midday today, I have done no work all day apart from a sweeping glance at some blodge and have just finished my third cuppa with penguins dipped in it. Good dayyyy.

I've been messing about on Sims2 designing my dream house. It has massive staircases and a loads of different floors with a piano in my bedroom and a downstairs swimming pool. And 3 dogs. I'm still gauging how cross mum would be if I came home with a scottie puppy. I'd probably call it something silly though, like kitten or budgie.

Actually budgie is quite a good name for a puppy...

I'm off to do some cooking, i've been inspired by come dine with me. L8rsT8rs

Saturday 7 February 2009


I steam cleaned the bathroom today. It took nearly 2 hours and everything got a good steaming. Got my auntie coming down from Wales on Monday so house has to be tidy tidy tidy. Mum's orders. Also, picked up 8 pairs of my shoes from around the house today and still didnt have space to put them on my shoe shelves. Too many shoooooes.

I sent a very scary text today. Cos I stole the number off someone else and it's weird to pinch other people's numbers and them text them and be like "oo i stole your number!" cos you sound like a total stalker...

I hope he doesnt think i'm a total stalker...

Checking up on all my cupcake blogs today I saw there is such thing as cupcake flavour dental floss. But I thought cupcakes came in hundreds of flavour combinations and confining floss to only one of those then giving it such a general name as "cupcake flavour" is just fundamentally wrong.

Also, I have 7 pieces of biology homework to do this weekend! Well, tomorrow, this weekend only has one day left. All from McRobs. She is so making up for all the homework that Malik hasnt given us. We felt so bad when she was observing his lesson and she asked us to show her the homework he'd set us and the only piece I had was something i'd written down myself as revision because I hadnt quite cracked it in the lesson... Nobody else had ANY.

Yesterday was fun :) Ignoring the schooly bit and Amy getting me into trouble ringing in my maths lesson to see if i would help her carry shopping home. Got to hang out with VikiRachSkiBeej in our usual haunt drinking coffee and eating cake. Then eating chips in Grosenovs and wandering over to Maddermarket bar before Oscar's play (which I didnt get to see but I hear good things) Then I went down to Pizza hut (not to eat more) to meet Rachel before we got in an actual proper taxi to Fridays. It was scary. We did it though. Also, Jonny was down at pizza hut which was a nice suprise :)

Fridays was fun, as usual. Singing and messing about. Also being odd stacking up pringles cans and pepsi with Rachel, seeing as we both have odd compulsions to make it all go in straight lines... It was bloomin' cold though.

I have to be off now, hope this was an amazingly thrilling update into my life for you. I wasnt sure what kind of picture to put up today so it's totally random. Lucky you.

Corr, yummy.

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Bus stop trifle

What an odd day. Biology test was pants, despite all the revision i'd done. Though the hour at which I was doing it last night may have negated me doing it in the first place. I've just found out from Ciara that I actually have more homework. Joy.

PE was a lesson I could have spared myself. I am perfectly able to read a powerpoint on my own I dont need Mr. Stupid reading it out. He didnt even make it, it's copy pasted.

RE was cancelled. Scoooore.

Piano lesson was also good, I can totally play a song using both my hands both playing different things at different times. I was well chuffed.

Gospel was defiantly my highlight though, as always. Me and Rachel set a waffle date for next week, we discovered the joys of pointing and clicking. We sang Prince of Egypt songs, which I adore. "Deliver uuuuus da da da deliver uuuusss dum dum" (Those are so actual lyrics)

I had a really yummy trifle on the bus. It was from Marks and Sparks.

I'd best be off actually, my blog is rubbish today but i'm shattered. Maybe update tomorrow.

Have a picture