Friday 10 July 2009

Sorry sports day.

I have SWINEFLU. Or at least a cold. I personally think my new husky croak of a voice is an improvement on the old normal one, and the constant coughing and sniffing is very attractive these days. Or so i'm told.

George is home tomorrow :D and after a VERY sweet text very early this morning, I am even more excited about seeing him again. Call me sad, but a week without the best boyfriend in the world is not my kinda week.

Not to mention, i've been at school all week while he's been on the beach, jealous much?

Latitude is in 6 days kids, my tickets STILL aren't here, I havent bought any food, all I have is a tent and a T-shirt I made today that has "I <3 LATITUDE" ironed across it. I think it's cool. Currently my entire life is centred on going to this festival. The tshirt doesn't lie.

For now, i'm off to watch a bit of masterchef and then hope that Ianto comes back to life in Torchwood, I think I cried a little last night when he died. Oh Ianto.

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