Thursday 23 July 2009

Latitude and tea

Latitude was fantastic, i'm sure that everyone has heard alllll about it by now so I shant add in the obvious details. Weather, acts, the fact we slept in tents etc. Yes I got a bit drunk, yes this was my drug of choice for the entire weekend.

Apart from the gas and air that I needed whilst having my broken hand wrapped in plaster. We wont talk about that too much. All we need know is that it hurts alot.

I have decided for the billionth time to be healthier. Yes. Again. New plan, coke is now iced tea, burgers are now salads/sandwiches and xbox is now squash :) I'm sure my lovely George will teach me how to play. Although saying that, i'm borrowing the ol' xbox whilst George is at his dad's and any help with oblivion would be much appretiated.

I'm off for a sofa date with some Earl Grey from Harrods - posh tea.

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