Tuesday 28 July 2009

Would it look weird...

...if I were to wear a duvet with head and armholes in it on the beach to avoid anybody seeing me in a bikini?



Sunday 26 July 2009

A week is a long time, actually.

Especially if you have absolutely nothing to do but play xbox and finish your UCAS application.

So, i'm going camping in a week, for a week and I don't know what to pack... I haven't ever been on a camping holiday with the purpose of the trip being camping as opposed to it just being a convinient and a cheap form of accomodation. Lots of millionaires shortbread and a swimsuit for the beach I guess.
I've finally been discharged so I can drink again without giving my liver a good bashing :)

Friday 24 July 2009

Personal statements are silly.

I haven't done any creative writing for a year and it's starting to show. Can't I just say something simple like "I'm not a complete dimwit, please let me into your university."? No? Pffft.

Working tomorrow with Swanny, intend to find an oriental shop to get some anko and shichimi in my lunchbreak. I'm making yummy shichimi duck ramen for George and some gooey chocolate pots before he goes off to Florida with Alex. Cosy night in :)

But! That'll be after we get back from camping which is going to be really fun - I can't wait to spend all week on the beach :) And now I don't have the stupid cast on, I can go in the seeeea! Just have to put up with the splint not being on for a bit. Ouch Charlie.

Right, back to Oblivion.

Thursday 23 July 2009

Latitude and tea

Latitude was fantastic, i'm sure that everyone has heard alllll about it by now so I shant add in the obvious details. Weather, acts, the fact we slept in tents etc. Yes I got a bit drunk, yes this was my drug of choice for the entire weekend.

Apart from the gas and air that I needed whilst having my broken hand wrapped in plaster. We wont talk about that too much. All we need know is that it hurts alot.

I have decided for the billionth time to be healthier. Yes. Again. New plan, coke is now iced tea, burgers are now salads/sandwiches and xbox is now squash :) I'm sure my lovely George will teach me how to play. Although saying that, i'm borrowing the ol' xbox whilst George is at his dad's and any help with oblivion would be much appretiated.

I'm off for a sofa date with some Earl Grey from Harrods - posh tea.

Friday 10 July 2009

Sorry sports day.

I have SWINEFLU. Or at least a cold. I personally think my new husky croak of a voice is an improvement on the old normal one, and the constant coughing and sniffing is very attractive these days. Or so i'm told.

George is home tomorrow :D and after a VERY sweet text very early this morning, I am even more excited about seeing him again. Call me sad, but a week without the best boyfriend in the world is not my kinda week.

Not to mention, i've been at school all week while he's been on the beach, jealous much?

Latitude is in 6 days kids, my tickets STILL aren't here, I havent bought any food, all I have is a tent and a T-shirt I made today that has "I <3 LATITUDE" ironed across it. I think it's cool. Currently my entire life is centred on going to this festival. The tshirt doesn't lie.

For now, i'm off to watch a bit of masterchef and then hope that Ianto comes back to life in Torchwood, I think I cried a little last night when he died. Oh Ianto.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Do it yourself then.

It's just a freaking TOWEL.

Keep trying, mister sun.

I thought today was going to be terrible.

I was too cross to try to make today a good day.
I didn't want to get up and go to school, all but one of my lessons were cancelled .
My friends are either the other side of the city, or wrapped up in competition.
I avoided the confrontation today, I took the badges anyway.
It rained whenever I looked outside, it poured when I tried to get home. The sun is still trying to peep through - it's getting late for it to find its way through.
Everyone else just seemed to be worked up over silly things, conversation kept ending in muttered curses with no see you later. I got my best friend's busy tone, again.

Then I came home and my cat had stolen a bag of asda beef mince, she was only caught when she fell off the hob with it. I'm one day closer to Saturday. This cheered me up endlessly. Tomorrow is gospel, I can get a break from here and school. Can't wait to get away.

Ahhhhh. Come home soon you.

Sunday 5 July 2009

He's gone to Newquay

And I am still here.

No matter! I had a lovely first day at work, sitting in my box (SAUNA) eating grapes and haribos and dealing with some very funny people. One of whom paid to park, then just slept in his car...

Then of course it was the gospel choir gig with the Cringleford singers. They were all lovely ladies, and we had a great time singing and dancing, depite the heat up on stage. We were all getting very into it, as always, and Gabriel got everyone dancing with a bit of crazy solo clapping front and centre. Very funny.

Today I spent 4hours of my life watching tennis. Then my favourite lost. Dammit. It was a good game though! Wish I could play tennis.

I am now watching TopGear, not with my George. I am not enjoying it quite as much...