Thursday 16 April 2009

I hold my hands up...

...and admit that my religously regular blogging activities have taken a knock over Easter and yes, my 114th blog is just as tragically mediocre as the other 113 (except maybe that one about my chickens.)

An update! My cyber friends. "Yes please." I hear you say, "what fasinating tale might you have to beguile us with this time?" Well, I say, do read on. For last night was easily, hands down, out of the park the best night of the holidays. I am of course referring to Rachel's campfire party which, I quote from my dear friend Beej - "A roaring success." I like that - it has a fiery implication to it, very fitting Beej. There was scrumpy, tealights in saucepans, bunting, tents, bacon and beans, sleeping bags and summer sunshine. The perfect combination for a recluse such as myself, who up until last night had not had the pleasure of such varied company other than my wonderful boyfriend and my siblings. Refreshing, if you will, to be immersed in the cheery goings on of leaping through bonfires, lemon zingers and gin and tonic casually mixed with crackling fireside conversation and the clear summer sky with it's many stars twinkling down on us. Yes, I enjoyed myself immensely and I congratulate Rachel on being the hostess with the mostess :) I still have that tell tale scent of wood smoke and camping in my hair and have erected my tent in the garage to dry off a little. I hate the smell of damp tent.

In other news, I am now driving! My 4th lesson shall be on Monday (prior warning to stay off the roads) and now that my dear father has been so kind as to buy a beaten up second hand ford fiesta and has offerred to place Ami and I on the insurance, I shall be out and about alot more on her majesty's highways and byways. It's fun, honestly, but it's so stressful having many different metal objects coming at you at some speed from many varying directions. Roundabouts are my nemesis.

I have just come upstairs actually from making fairy cakes covered in strawberry icing with strawberries sticking out and covered in silver balls. I think they look like yummy little princess cakes, but if I am to be incriminatingly honest, they do have nice little wells in the middle of them and as lovely as they taste, I have filled the wells with icing, which will taste very very very sweet. But thats ok, I dont think George will mind. Hopefully. I have already admitted to be a useless cook, it shouldnt come as a suprise that I cant make fairy cakes. They taste lovely though. I'll take them up tomorrow when I go to see my bubby then on Saturday we're off to Pleasurewood Hills! Yay! :) Havent been since 2 years ago with Georgia - we ate alot of candyfloss. And saw the sealions twice. Bless.

Exciting stuff. Just waiting for some photos to appear on facebook now. (Viki?)

Many easter well wishes and holiday greetings to all. Have a picture :)

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