Thursday 25 June 2009

Fronter, I hate you.

And everything to do with you. If I have to put up with this moronic, useless, disfunctional, confusing and annoying system all year I shall be responsible for the vandalism of a fair few school computers.

Also, I'm not going to Nottingham anymore :(


Monday 22 June 2009

Miso soup

I really want some miso soup tonight, like, reallyreally. I don't think you can buy it in tins, maybe only at wagamamas.

In further news Ciara was moaning I haven't updated in 12 days. I considered swapping her copy of sims 3 for an update. A fair trade I reckon :)

I'm not pleased to be back at school, I thought I would be but now i'm getting on with things I'm not enjoying it at all. I don't get fronter, I don't like UCAS, I don't like any of this Y13 lark. Not one bit, bring on summer please, i'd like to not be worrying about writing presentations on Ronald Reagan or learn everything there is to know about ecology and carbon photosynthesis all on my own. Eurgh.

I had a job interview today, infact, today was very busy. I was off at the N&N this morning, then to the post office for passport forms, then my only lesson of the day which was politics, then more passport stuff, then an interview at Monsoon - 75% discount if I get it! But if I don't get that I have the car parking job safe :) Sitting in the box. All day. Doing work. Chattin' to Swanny/Thomas/Abi.

This was not a fun update, I just wanted to keep Ciara happy. She's a fussy one. YEH YOU CIARA.


Totally joking.

Tuesday 9 June 2009


The observant of you will notice that the posting time of this is wrong - my laptop was dead when I wrote this. It had to wait to reach the world wide web.

And so here I am, cross legged on my bed wearing highly attractive cowprint pyjamas, (those of you who went on DofE with me have seen these tiptoing around thistles at 6am, they're well travelled) consuming my second very yummy bread roll of the night. I've just finished watching "Never been kissed" which although sweet, I wouldn't recommend it as a compelling view.

It did however serve the purpose of provoking some nostalgic moments about ND prom'08 and the years preceeding it. Ah highschool. Now as I sit mere days away from my final year at ND I am feeling a little older and wiser but still childishly attached to sitting in the canteen drinking chocomilk and spending aimless hours on the green with friends i've now known for nearly 6years - in some cases nearly 12!

For now at least I shall indulge my naivety that my best friends will always be waiting for me at the gates at 3.30, or pottering through tombland in thier navy blue blazers. My biggest worry will be a particularly tricky exam or a pressing deadline, and I will always belong to that little corner of the city with it's mismatched buildings, expansive tarmac basketball courts and beautifully kept greens that contains the little world I have grown up in. And yes, I shall remain proud of my disgusting green and rust jumper with the matching tie that still hangs ready on my mirror. I do not think I shall ever unpin my little prefect badge from it.

And just above, on my wall, a picture of us all on one of my favourite days. How we all once were. In the sun, on the green together, happy just to be.

I will miss all of this, in just one more year.

Thursday 4 June 2009