Sunday 31 May 2009

It takes a crane to build a crane.

It takes two floors to make a storey.

Soooo, it's been a week and a bit since last post. I've had a lovely half work, half George half term and i'm now slowly pottering back into the routine of getting up in time to see midday and going to bed before midnight. Although it's hard to put the phone down...

The chickens are still here :) much to my delight, getting back from the Peak district (DofE, very fun, lovely weather) to find my babs hen was in the garden and happy to see me. I will miss her horribly when she goes. I will not miss exams come friday when I am free until January to live without the ever pressing doom of "the time now is 9.04, you may begin working". Writing 18151/6120 at the top of every sheet of paper i'm given.

It's a bit late. I'm a bit tired. I might go to bed now... C1C2 revision and a driving lesson tomorrow, need all the brainpower I can get.

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