Sunday 31 May 2009

It takes a crane to build a crane.

It takes two floors to make a storey.

Soooo, it's been a week and a bit since last post. I've had a lovely half work, half George half term and i'm now slowly pottering back into the routine of getting up in time to see midday and going to bed before midnight. Although it's hard to put the phone down...

The chickens are still here :) much to my delight, getting back from the Peak district (DofE, very fun, lovely weather) to find my babs hen was in the garden and happy to see me. I will miss her horribly when she goes. I will not miss exams come friday when I am free until January to live without the ever pressing doom of "the time now is 9.04, you may begin working". Writing 18151/6120 at the top of every sheet of paper i'm given.

It's a bit late. I'm a bit tired. I might go to bed now... C1C2 revision and a driving lesson tomorrow, need all the brainpower I can get.

Friday 22 May 2009

Neither of us take a great photo

But this our first together, and my chicken got in on it too. Lionchicken.

Monday 18 May 2009

The internet has ruined my handwriting.

Stupid perfectly formed typing has made every letter I write a half assed attempt at legible wording that lacks both style and individuality.
In short, writing letters has become more about what I write, than how I write, which is bad, because I don't have a great deal to say.

I'm listening to Jason Mraz on loop today - "hold your own, know your name, go your own way. and everything will be fine." I have my first exam tomorrow that if anything, I have over-prepared for. I am worried, I am nervous, I am irrational.

This has led to me rearranging my furniture and hiding at my boyfriends house for about 7 hours longer than I should have today. And I still miss him a little bit alot.

Eeeeeuuuuurgh. Just a few more weeks. Just a few more.

Sunday 10 May 2009

blogging bandwagon? jump!

It has become a bit of a trend recently to start up a rambly, sometimes slightly incoherent, tragically satirical but thoughtfully observant blog.

I did it before you lot.


Saturday 9 May 2009

The latest trend.

Exams seem to have risen in popularity since last week. Everybody is almost gloating that they have more than someone else and thiers are more crammed into study leave than thier friend's. But honestly, why are we all suddenly SO wound up?!
  • They weren't sprung on us, we've known they were coming for weeks months and years.
  • We are prepared, thats what all those lessons were for, remember?
  • We have about a week before they start for 90% of us, thats a week to sit and revise stuff you dont know.
  • They dont last so long that your whole life is soon going to be consumed by one paper. They normally last about an hour, maybe 2. That gives you the rest of the day to calm the bloody hell down about question 4, regardless of what the person next to you wrote about the 13th olympic games since the one after the one where those people did that thing.
  • Wanna take it for A2? You only need a D. Ok, nobody likes getting Ds, but you will not be forced out of 6th form and made to work in primark if you do not get an A*.

This is possibly just a list of things that I have written to try and persuade myself wether all this worrying i'm doing is useful or not. Oh God I hope I don't get all Ds.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Dear Rachel.

You are not a perfect person, but you are a beautiful person, and that goes for the inside and out. Who wants to be perfect anyway?
I will never try to change you, I wouldnt want to even if I could. But i'd love to see you happy with yourself and the world around you.

We should go for waffles more. Always with the bananas. We should make more biscuits covered in icing and smelling of cinnamon. Maybe you could teach me how to make those origami flowers, I could teach you how to make those nutella milkshakes. One day we'll play guitar badly together, and i'll learn how to play Golden on piano.

I'd be a better friend if I knew how. Until then, do you want to come round for tea and cake?

Dingsbums. Sarah.

You used to be more.

I'm so swamped in work right now. I have fallen prey to the unending pile of revision that possibly every 17yr old in the country has right now. I'd like to assume I am in the underachieving half of said students.

My twin sis ran the race for life today - go look at the vid on fazzy b. I'm in it, looking rank (y)

The show went well! No major mess ups. I nearly remembered all the egyptian gods... Heigham park tomorrow, solo, eek, not looking forward to that. The rest will be is a funday after all.

By the way, I may have optical swine flu - is that possible?