Monday 8 February 2010

Chilly fingers

I got home at 2 today after missing the bus by a matter of seconds and having to potter home in the snow (snow?! why?!) in my stupidly optimistic tights and pumps - both of which got thoroughly soaked after about a mile.
I let myself in only to be mauled by my starving (yeh right.) cat who went so far as to headbutt me in the ear as I was picking up the post.
Ami got a boden catalogue and I was determined to find something I wanted but it's all super expensive.

So yeh, fed cat, moaned to cat about how horrid the year 12 politics students were this morning and how i'm going to have to mess about sorting out my ema for that - even though all we did was sit there and scowl whilst an army of 16yr old tories yelled at us. We just weren't in the mood for a bunch of jumped up tarts acting like they were better than us, we caved, it was a welcome defeat. We shall spend our week long holiday in New York feeling loftily superior to them all whilst eating peanut butter m&ms and drinking kool-ade. Mwaha.

Is it a waste of a day if I come home and change into my boyfriend's pyjama pants and sit infront of the (fake) fire watching friends? In my defence they're really warm...

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