Monday 28 September 2009

Because you're worth it.

Love is a good haircut. Gorgeous to look at from any angle. It doesn't stick out or go frizzy in the rain. You don't have to shower it with expensive things for it to look healthy, and make you look happy. You can hide behind it when you don't feel like facing the world, or you can dress it up with a pretty bow to make people notice what a good thing you're got going on up there. It'll still be there, any day, good or bad. It will wait for you, if you don't think you have that extra 10minutes this morning. It doesn't mind behind pulled up into a ponytail for a little bit if it's getting in the way - it won't kink.

It likes being part of you, the bit that catches the sunshine first. The bit that you can make your own. It likes to make you feel confident and beautiful.

My hair is just perfect.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

If music be the food of love, play on.

Give me excess of it.

The course of true love never did run smooth, but like all great stories first the lovers must face trying times if for no other purpose than to prove thier love for one another. I write this for 2 of the people in my life, one more obvious than the other. To my Romeo, whilst journeys end in lovers meeting - i do not wish to stop just yet. I wouldnt want to walk beside anybody but you.

To Florizel, I hope you find love again with Perdita.

When you do dance, I wish you a wave of the sea, that you might ever do nothing but that.

Friday 18 September 2009

I remain mobile.

Derren Brown - anyone watch it? Did it work for you?

Maybe I was too close minded to the idea that through the powers of suggestion a man in a studio somewhere very far away could persuade my unconscious mind that I had no choice but to stay exactly where I was sat. Maybe I was affected, maybe some tiny bit of me was stuck - just not the bit connected to my chair.

Or maybe it was a load of rubbish, as I suspected...

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Fallen arches are shit.

As if my nagging incessant coughing/sniffing predicament wasn't fun enough - lets chuck in a suprisingly painful fallen arch for good meaure. Oh and, instead of missing some crappy lesson to go to the doctors - how about I miss my frees to WALK there to get it looked at? Mhm? Sound good?

I need another cinnabun. I made 9 today. I've eaten 2. Fattyfattyfatfat.

Torben - girls are not crap at maths.
Beej - answer your phone.
Hannah - i'm sorry I wasn't in today to give you your Tim Minchin CDs, if it's any consolation they're very very funny.
Ami - Hurry up with the Sims 3. I want a go.

Saturday 12 September 2009

If I could be anywhere right now.

I would be on a futon in smallborough drinking carrot and strawberry wine.

Anywhere but anywhere without you.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

Leggings are not trousers.

Dear Y12. I know that it's very exciting moving up from GCSEs to ALevels and the thrill of being able to dress as you please is an overwhelming one. But could you please cling onto the shred of common decency that our mothers hope we have retained and stop flashing your bums at me whilst I am trudging around school. The novelty will wear off and your bottom will get cold. On another note, thankyou to those of you who have opted for leggings AND a skirt, not OR a skirt. You latter few end up with the same gross misdemenour as the forementioned ladies in the arse department. Forgive me for sounding like a teacher, but it's neither dress code, nor pleasant.

Dear George. You stole my latté you crafty clownfish. Joke's on you though, it had no shot of caramel unlike my usual non-free beverages. I did however enjoy my letter. I love you alot.
Happy 5monthaversavery my lovely boyfriend.