Friday 20 November 2009

Stress level : High

I do not have a costume for Robyn's birthday. I wish to utilise my yellow tights that I only bought for a halloween party anyway. They were expensive! Pfft.

So, it was non-school uniform today, which always confuses me. I don't know who I can and can't growl at for walking too slowly down the wind tunnel when i'm trying to get to biology. Not that I did anything in biology, but the intention was there. I was actually sad enough to not get up to do some very importnant tasks because I had one of the awesome chools that would definately be pinched if I got up. I just sat and counted change and ate satsumas.

No eating in the lab.

So I spent my lunchtime removing hair from various gentlemen in the EX 6th form common room. I ripped wax strips off 2 year 11 boys, Mr. Everett (oh sweet revenge) and Mr. Harrison - who didn't seem phased. Regular waxer methinks. I then took over the shaving of Jem's head, which was quite fun. Especially seeing how much I hated those stupid sideburns he's been sporting for weeks.

Tell you what though, if anybody comes to me after tomorrow asking for a hoody I shall have them skewered. So many 6th formers - most likely the ones that skip assembly - have not told me if they want a damn hoody. I'm getting sick of them. Pfft. You're not getting one. So there.

Here are your points for consideration of the day.
  • Why does rootbeer have a mouthwash-y aftertaste?
  • How do you get satsuma oil off your jeans?
  • Why do people think that if they have a certain ritual for sctraching the panels off a scratchcard they're more likely to win?
  • When did facebook become an absolutely essential service?

Monday 16 November 2009

I have been informed

that George does not have the answers, merely stupid questions of his own.

Ee Larv 'im. x

So i've been thinking...

How long does it take for a raindrop to get from cloud to floor? How far has it travelled? Did it collide with another raindrop on the way down to make an even bigger one?

Maybe make one of those huge fat ones that always goes in your eye or down your neck - not at all pleasant.

And now i'm sat here eating peas I wonder, how long has this pea been a pea? At what point is it even called a pea? It had to come from a pod yes? How long did that take? And why is it so yummy...?

Maybe George Kwiatkowski will have the answers to these and so many more of my pointless questions...

Monday 2 November 2009

Well at least it's half finished.

My essay, I have a title, I have 3 non-sensical rambling paragraphs but no point, no conclusion and no analysis. The end is not in sight. This means no gospel meeting, no Norwich, no George.


On the plus side, I've finished season one of House. I'm hooked. Season two please Georgey?